Generic Work

Image 319 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1937

Public Deposited

Wednesday, September 15, 1937 Clear Oty telephoned that a settlement had been made on account of the Holbrook property in which she held a contract so she received $3500- A stock holders meeting in which it was voted to increase the common stock of Deere & Co to 5 million shares. Then in a Directors meeting, it was voted to give a stock dividend of 2 shares of common stock for every sharenow held.Also divident of one dollar per share on common payable Oct 20- Volume this year will be about 95 millions. Taxable income about 25 million, Income shown about 17 million. On every million pd out as dividend $220,000 goes to taxes. We will pay between 5 & 6 million in taxes this year. By not paying dividends we can keep $780,000 in the business for every million pay 220000 in taxes. Cant sell my treasury stock till March or April Business looks very good for the next season. Eda & Walter took me to the Davenport Country Club for dinner.

  • English
  • MS02.01.19.278
  • 1937_1_278
  • 1937
Date created
  • 1937-09-15
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-08-29




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