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Image 90 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1949

Public Deposited

MONDAY MARCH 14, 1949 This letter of Kates written March 10 came today Mother has both you letters in her hand now and will probably be able to read them herself. She caries so much, sometimes bright and smiling and able to read letter a little and sometimes very, very old and so sad. In general she is better now and the nurse seems to think she may live on a long time, while three days ago we though it could not be more than a day or two. No one can say of predict what will happen. It seemed impossible that she could recover from that bronchial cough but it is nearly gone." The cause of most of her discomfort and pain is hemorhoids" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This letter today and one from Ulli Delius (see March 13) DEar Mrs Brown In school I learn theEnglish language in the second year, but I never have the opportunity to speak with and Englishman of an American. Now I am very glad I can show my little knowledge and can write you a letter I hope you can under- stand and which does not contain too many mistakes I want to tellyou htat I am very glad of all the fine things you sent us. The CARE package was wonderful, especially the fine chocolate. And also I am very glad of the fine shoes and the coat. I never was so happy than in the days when you fine packages reached us. I hope that you and your family are well. With best compliments to you dear family, believe me Dear Mrs Brown most truly yours Marie-Louise Delius

  • English
  • 1949_1_084
  • MS02.01.29.084
  • 1949
Date created
  • 1949-03-14
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-06




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