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Image 426 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1940

Public Deposited

Tuesday, December 3, 1940 [Headlines: Chicago Daily Tribune;War news] 50 Below zero this morning, all day at Stevens Hotel at meetings of A.S.A.E. Found Jury of Awards lst evening gave Bob Trullinger the John Deere Medal and Harry Merritt the McCormick Medal. Orelind of I.H.C. said they would announce a power lift for A&B tractors shortly. The lift to be operated by exhaust of the motor. They build up about 15 pounds pressure in a brass tube about 7" diameter and 15" long. He thinks it a makeshift until a hydraulic lift can be produced. Had quite a long talk with De Henry G. Knight, head of department of Chemical and Agricultural Engineering of the Dept of Agriculture He wants me to see their new laboratory in Peorier. Some talk of Seminar for next year. I should get our Publicity Dept to take this over. I could take one of their men to work with me this year and next year he could carry it on alone. Herbert Koehler is in Chicago for a few days Elise and I went to the Auditorium for dinner then on Michigan Ave found Leo Killelea 622 S. Michigan Ave who has old silver spoons. Elise bought several. [Headlines: Chicago Daily News; War news]

  • English
  • 1940_1_310
  • MS02.01.21.310
  • 1940
Date created
  • 1940-12-03
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Resource type
  • MS02.01.21.310.426
Last modified
  • 2023-08-29




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