Generic Work

Image 92 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1948

Public Deposited

TUESDAY MARCH 9 1948 Paul Holinger came in for a minute on his way to a Medical Meeting in Rock Island. Painting cellar walls, that is our yard man is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leipzig Feb. 12 1948 Dear Mrs Brown Since you have allowed me to write in German you are receiving this letter in German. It suits me very much better since I can better express my feelings. Your two packages got into our hands yestereay after they had arrived in Berlin 14 days ago, but no occasion had arisen to get them. Now they are here and the pleasure is immense. We had all assembled around the table and I unpackeged them. Everybody received some of the beautiful things, especially happy was the sixteen year old Bettina whom the beautiful white woolen cloak and the green summer dress fit especially well. Of the many stockings everybody received some. Especially welcome were the ladies stockings which fit me exactly. We can use the wool for darning by dividing the threads. The most beautiful were the mens shoes, which gave my husband and my son much pleasure. We can use everything really very well and I feel with how much kindness and love you Mrs Brown have selected everything. Juliane the ten year old was most pleased with the box of candy and the pudding mix, which we presented her for her birthday the next day. Many thousand thanks in the name of my children, my husband and myself. We feel ashamed and yet we are so happy that we are being helped, (over)

  • English
  • 1948_1_077
  • MS02.01.28.077
  • 1948
Date created
  • 1948-03-09
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-06




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