######## README for Yibo's thesis and related files ######### the entire package contains 6 seperate files: Wu_1_README.txt, Wu_2_tables.zip, Wu_3_figures.zip, Wu_4_scripts.zip, Wu_5_pre.pdf, Wu_6_thesis.pdf, Wu_7_pipeline.txt. The contents of each file are listed below: Wu_1_README.txt: this file. Wu_2_tables.zip: contains all the data resulted from my analysis. Wu_3_figures.zip: contains all the figures resulted from my analysis. Wu_4_scripts.zip: contains all the scripts that were used in the analysis, all scripts are named after their functions. Wu_5_pre.pdf: this is the slides that I used for graduate presentation. Wu_6_thsis.pdf: this is my thesis. Wu_7_pipeline.txt: this file tells the pipeline that I used in the analysis, all softwares, input files, output files, codes are indicated.