My Report Last Modified: 02/17/2014 Response Set: Set Round 1, 1. Do you believe you are aware of the requirements of the social sciences program at WPI? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Yes,0.84988452655889,368,84.99%, 2,No,0.15011547344111,65,15.01%, ,Total,,433,100.00%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,2, Mean,1.15, Variance,0.13, Standard Deviation,0.36, Total Responses,433, 2. Please use this WPI resource to better understand the requirements. #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,I think I am now more aware of the social science requirement. (Click this when you think you understand.),1,25,100%, ,Total,,25,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,1, Mean,1.00, Variance,0.00, Standard Deviation,0.00, Total Responses,25, "3. How many social science classes have you completed at WPI?[This includes Psychology, Economics, Environmental Studies, Political Science and Law, Sociology, and System Dynamics. These are any classes have the following abbreviations: ECON, ENV, GOV, PSY, SD, SOC, SS, STS. It also includes ID 2050 and some of the Great Problem Seminars (GPS).] Do not include any courses that you are currently taking and have not received a final grade for (NR would count as a final grade)." #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,0,0.32258064516129,130,32%, 2,1,0.2605459057072,105,26%, 3,2,0.25806451612903,104,26%, 4,3 or more,0.15880893300248,64,16%, ,Total,,403,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,4, Mean,2.25, Variance,1.15, Standard Deviation,1.07, Total Responses,403, 4. What area was your first social science class in? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Psychology,0.26190476190476,55,26%, 2,Economics,0.24761904761905,52,25%, 3,Environmental Studies,0.061904761904762,13,6%, 4,Political Science and Law,0.1047619047619,22,10%, 5,Sociology,0.057142857142857,12,6%, 6,System Dynamics,0,0,0%, 7,GPS,0.11428571428571,24,11%, 8,ID 2050,0.09047619047619,19,9%, 9,Other,0.061904761904762,13,6%, ,Total,,210,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,9, Mean,3.73, Variance,7.45, Standard Deviation,2.73, Total Responses,210, 5. Why did you choose the first social science class that you've taken?Choose any that apply. #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,I was interested in the subject matter.,0.55274261603376,131,55%, 2,It fit into my schedule.,0.46835443037975,111,47%, 3,I heard the class was easy.,0.14345991561181,34,14%, 4,I wanted to take a class with that professor.,0.037974683544304,9,4%, 5,It would prepare me for a future project.,0.19831223628692,47,20%, 6,It applies to my major/minor in some way,0.20675105485232,49,21%, 7,Other (please specify).,0.10126582278481,24,10%, Other (please specify)., It was incidental as a credit for my GPS, Requirement for WPI, "Didn't know how to register for classes properly, got fucked.", This was transfer credit for AP GOV(non WPI), required for off-campus IQP, Required for IQP abroad, it was transfer credit, I wanted to take a class with Ashley, Transfer Credit, ID2050..., It was required for my IQP, Required to graduate, i took AP gov in 12th grade so i figured i would take the government class here, Required, Requirement, "Took this course at QCC and requirement for my engineering degree there, though I did enjoy the class and learned a lot", vet school requirements, Requirement for major, I thought I was going to minor in management, Everyone recommended freshmen take a GPS, I was required to, I was required to take it, It was the only class left open, had to take it for social science credit, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,7, Total Responses,237, 6. What area was your second social science class in? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Psychology,0.21428571428571,30,21%, 2,Economics,0.2,28,20%, 3,Environmental Studies,0.057142857142857,8,6%, 4,Political Science and Law,0.1,14,10%, 5,Sociology,0.014285714285714,2,1%, 6,System Dynamics,0,0,0%, 7,GPS,0.021428571428571,3,2%, 8,ID 2050,0.35,49,35%, 9,Other,0.042857142857143,6,4%, ,Total,,140,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,9, Mean,4.59, Variance,9.38, Standard Deviation,3.06, Total Responses,140, 7. Why did you choose the second social science class that you've taken?Choose any that apply. #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,I was interested in the subject matter.,0.41428571428571,58,41%, 2,It fit into my schedule.,0.34285714285714,48,34%, 3,I heard the class was easy.,0.1,14,10%, 4,I wanted to take a class with that professor.,0.064285714285714,9,6%, 5,It would prepare me for a future project.,0.32857142857143,46,33%, 6,It applies to my major/minor in some way,0.29285714285714,41,29%, 7,Other (please specify).,0.13571428571429,19,14%, Other (please specify)., ID2050 was a requirement to go abroad for IQP, forced to to go abroad, I needed a filler class, its ID2050, I needed a social science class and had previously taken psych in high school, REQUIRED, Required to graduate, Required for IQP, required, required for IQP, Requirement for major, required, Required for IQP, Required Class, It helped me launch my business , IT WAS REQUIRED, Independent Study for IQP, I had to do it against my will, had to take if for iQP, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,7, Total Responses,140, 8. Why did you take 3 or more social sciences? Text Response, I misunderstood the requirement! Oops!, The first class I got a credit in was GPS. I came in with 1 AP credit. I then took an Economics class and hated every minute of it. I then got another credit from ID2050., my major is Psychological Sciences, I would like to get a minor in Psychology, I'm a Psychology Major, For my minor in Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Electives and IQP, I had room in my schedule and planned on doing a minor, for my minor, To fulfill requirements, I used some as easy classes to balance out two hard ones, I'm a psychological science double major, Interested in psychology , They were part of the requirement for my major (Management Engineering), "2 were necessary for my major and professional credit; ID 2050 necessary to travel abroad, Psychology was an AP credit", "Interesting subject, had an opening ", No, Pre Law Minor, im getting an econ minor, Was going for a minor, "Because my ID2050 didn't count for 1/3 of a credit or what ever was required, meaning I have to take 3 to meet the requirement to graduate. ", For funzies., I need to for my major, "I had to, for various reasons.", In order to complete my Humanities and Arts requirement., Because I needed 2 SS credits and GPS was only worth one SS credit, I am a psychology major, Had to for requirements - did not want to., German needed, I'm a humanities major with a concentration in American Studies; part of the major requirement involves law and policy. I am also generally interested in government studies and sociology. , "only took 2, marked wrong answer before", vet school pre-requisites, Accidentaly, To fulfill all my requirements for my major and minor., I am trying to get a minor in Psychlogy, Because I was either forced into it or needed them to graduate, Wanted more breadth , One class was an experimental and had an interest in it., It was mandatory, "One was AP credit, so it counted for the third class. I decided to take a Psychology class because I had time and wanted to learn more, since I enjoyed studying it in high school.", "Aside from it being my major, i love psychology. The knowledge i gained helps me understand everything and make me a kinder person.", Environmental & Sustainability Studies Major, Statistic,Value, Total Responses,42, "9. For the first class that you took, rate the following compared to the rest of your classes with 1 being the lowest and 7 being the highest." #,Question,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Total Responses,Mean, 1,How much did you think you would enjoy the class?,5,13,30,45,64,56,23,236,4.74, 2,How much did you enjoy the class?,18,26,31,48,58,36,19,236,4.21, 3,How much did you learn in the class?,17,19,35,45,55,40,25,236,4.36, 4,How much work did you do for the class?,2,17,33,52,61,43,28,236,4.67, 5,How useful was the material you learned in this class?,15,34,34,63,36,33,20,235,4.06, 6,How interesting was the class?,22,23,21,39,57,41,32,235,4.43, Statistic,How much did you think you would enjoy the class?,How much did you enjoy the class?,How much did you learn in the class?,How much work did you do for the class?,How useful was the material you learned in this class?,How interesting was the class?, Min Value,1,1,1,1,1,1, Max Value,7,7,7,7,7,7, Mean,4.74,4.21,4.36,4.67,4.06,4.43, Variance,2.10,2.81,2.86,2.12,2.79,3.32, Standard Deviation,1.45,1.68,1.69,1.46,1.67,1.82, Total Responses,236,236,236,236,235,235, "10. For the second class that you took, rate the following compared to the rest of your classes with 1 being the lowest and 7 being the highest." #,Question,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Total Responses,Mean, 1,How much did you think you would enjoy the class?,11,16,24,28,23,25,14,141,4.18, 2,How much did you enjoy the class?,13,25,15,32,27,12,17,141,3.99, 3,How much did you learn in the class?,8,17,16,28,20,34,17,140,4.46, 4,How much work did you do for the class?,4,8,13,24,34,21,37,141,5.04, 5,How useful was the material you learned in this class?,10,21,10,31,33,20,16,141,4.28, 6,How interesting was the class?,15,12,18,20,38,17,21,141,4.34, Statistic,How much did you think you would enjoy the class?,How much did you enjoy the class?,How much did you learn in the class?,How much work did you do for the class?,How useful was the material you learned in this class?,How interesting was the class?, Min Value,1,1,1,1,1,1, Max Value,7,7,7,7,7,7, Mean,4.18,3.99,4.46,5.04,4.28,4.34, Variance,3.08,3.29,3.13,2.72,3.07,3.43, Standard Deviation,1.76,1.81,1.77,1.65,1.75,1.85, Total Responses,141,141,140,141,141,141, 11. Do you believe you are aware of the requirements of the Humanities and Arts program at WPI? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Yes,0.96694214876033,351,97%, 2,No,0.033057851239669,12,3%, ,Total,,363,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,2, Mean,1.03, Variance,0.03, Standard Deviation,0.18, Total Responses,363, "12. Please use this WPI resource to better understand the requirements.  " #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,I think I am now more aware of the humanities requirement. (Click this when you think you understand.),1,11,100%, ,Total,,11,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,1, Mean,1.00, Variance,0.00, Standard Deviation,0.00, Total Responses,11, "13. How many humanities classes have you completed at WPI?(Includes American Studies, Art & Art History, Drama & Theater, English, History, Literature, Modern Languages, Music, Philosophy & Religion, Writing & Rhetoric. These are any classes with the following abbreviations: AB, AR, CN, EN, GN, HI, HU, ISE, MU, PY, RE, SP, WR. It also includes some of the Great Problem Seminars (GPS).) This does NOT include a seminar or practicum.Do not include any courses that you are currently taking and have not received a final grade for (NR would count as a final grade)." #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,0,0.079452054794521,29,8%, 2,1,0.16164383561644,59,16%, 3,2,0.093150684931507,34,9%, 4,3,0.12054794520548,44,12%, 5,4,0.13150684931507,48,13%, 6,5,0.23013698630137,84,23%, 7,6 or more,0.18356164383562,67,18%, ,Total,,365,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,7, Mean,4.49, Variance,3.93, Standard Deviation,1.98, Total Responses,365, "14. Have you chosen your intended depth, or already completed your depth? If yes, please specify what it is in." #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,No,0.053571428571429,18,5%, 2,Art/ Art History,0.10119047619048,34,10%, 3,Foreign Language,0.13095238095238,44,13%, 4,Drama/ Theatre,0.014880952380952,5,1%, 5,Music,0.16071428571429,54,16%, 6,Literature and Writing/ Rhetoric,0.17857142857143,60,18%, 7,History and International Studies,0.23214285714286,78,23%, 8,Philosophy and Religion,0.12202380952381,41,12%, 9,Other,0.005952380952381,2,1%, ,Total,,336,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,9, Mean,5.24, Variance,4.56, Standard Deviation,2.14, Total Responses,336, 15. Why did you choose that particular depth?Choose any that apply. #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,I was interested in the subject matter.,0.89967637540453,278,90%, 2,I heard the classes were easy.,0.12621359223301,39,13%, 3,I wanted a particular professor.,0.13592233009709,42,14%, 4,It would apply to a future project,0.10679611650485,33,11%, 5,It applies to my major in some way,0.10679611650485,33,11%, 6,Other (please specify).,0.087378640776699,27,9%, Other (please specify)., I had previous transfer credit, previous music experience, I was taking classes with friends, Background knowledge in English, Thought about getting a minor, AP credit that helped, Already had completed some related course work (AP credits), "I already knew Spanish, so I wanted to continue it. I also liked not having to choose a breadth.", Been taking Spanish since high school, Randomly took 2 english classes - just made sense to continue, "I wanted to beat the whole ""engineers can't write"" thing", I've taken Spanish for years., After taking 2 classes I wanted changed my breadth but needed a new pillar., I happen to have enough classes in that department, I already had some AP credit in History, I am doing History of Technology which still relates to Technology, I wanted to avoid a specific professor. , It was fun and exciting, I had no idea what I was doing until it was too late. , I want to minor in music., Wanted to show engineers can write, It fit into my schedule well, It fit well in my schedule, "I enjoy it, and now i am more proficient when i write in my spare time.", I had transfer credits from a class i took in high school, Would like a minor in English, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,6, Total Responses,309, 16. What area was your humanities class in? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Art/ Art History,0.13461538461538,7,13%, 2,Drama/ Theatre,0,0,0%, 3,Foreign Language,0.13461538461538,7,13%, 4,History and International Studies,0.25,13,25%, 5,Literature and Writing/ Rhetoric,0.096153846153846,5,10%, 6,Music,0.057692307692308,3,6%, 7,Philosophy and Religion,0.26923076923077,14,27%, 8,Other,0.057692307692308,3,6%, ,Total,,52,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,8, Mean,4.71, Variance,4.60, Standard Deviation,2.15, Total Responses,52, "17. For your humanities class, please rate it in the following categories compared to the rest of your classes, with 1 being the lowest and 7 being the highest." #,Question,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Total Responses,Mean, 1,How much did you think you would enjoy the class?,1,0,4,3,19,21,6,54,5.33, 2,How much did you enjoy the class?,1,2,4,11,14,12,10,54,5.06, 3,How much did you learn in the class?,1,5,5,7,10,19,7,54,4.94, 4,How much work did you do for the class?,1,2,4,14,15,11,7,54,4.87, 5,How useful was the material you learned in this class?,1,9,5,8,18,11,2,54,4.37, 6,How interesting was the class?,0,1,4,11,14,14,10,54,5.22, Statistic,How much did you think you would enjoy the class?,How much did you enjoy the class?,How much did you learn in the class?,How much work did you do for the class?,How useful was the material you learned in this class?,How interesting was the class?, Min Value,1,1,1,1,1,2, Max Value,7,7,7,7,7,7, Mean,5.33,5.06,4.94,4.87,4.37,5.22, Variance,1.40,2.13,2.54,1.93,2.31,1.65, Standard Deviation,1.18,1.46,1.60,1.39,1.52,1.28, Total Responses,54,54,54,54,54,54, "18. For your seminar or practicum, please rate the following compared to the rest of your classes with 1 being the lowest and 7 being the highest." #,Question,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Total Responses,Mean, 1,How much did you think you would enjoy your seminar/practicum?,5,3,5,13,26,33,12,97,5.05, 2,How much did you enjoy your seminar/practicum?,2,4,8,16,22,27,17,96,5.09, 3,How much did you learn from your seminar/practicum?,5,5,7,20,28,22,10,97,4.72, 4,How much work did you do for your seminar/practicum?,0,4,4,18,23,27,21,97,5.32, 5,How useful was the material you learned in your seminar/practicum?,7,10,10,29,19,11,11,97,4.24, 6,How interesting was the class?,3,4,5,15,19,28,23,97,5.26, Statistic,How much did you think you would enjoy your seminar/practicum?,How much did you enjoy your seminar/practicum?,How much did you learn from your seminar/practicum?,How much work did you do for your seminar/practicum?,How useful was the material you learned in your seminar/practicum?,How interesting was the class?, Min Value,1,1,1,2,1,1, Max Value,7,7,7,7,7,7, Mean,5.05,5.09,4.72,5.32,4.24,5.26, Variance,2.30,2.21,2.37,1.78,2.81,2.42, Standard Deviation,1.52,1.49,1.54,1.33,1.68,1.56, Total Responses,97,96,97,97,97,97, 19. What area was your favorite humanities class in? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Art/ Art History,0.12686567164179,34,13%, 2,Drama/ Theatre,0.022388059701493,6,2%, 3,Foreign Language,0.13805970149254,37,14%, 4,History and International Studies,0.23507462686567,63,24%, 5,Literature and Writing/ Rhetoric,0.14925373134328,40,15%, 6,Music,0.19776119402985,53,20%, 7,Philosophy and Religion,0.11194029850746,30,11%, 8,Other,0.01865671641791,5,2%, ,Total,,268,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,8, Mean,4.39, Variance,3.48, Standard Deviation,1.86, Total Responses,268, "20. For your favorite humanities class, please rate it in the following categories compared to the rest of your classes, with 1 being the lowest and 7 being the highest." #,Question,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Total Responses,Mean, 1,How much did you think you would enjoy the class?,2,7,20,46,68,67,60,270,5.27, 2,How much did you enjoy the class?,3,2,6,29,57,94,79,270,5.71, 3,How much did you learn in the class?,7,7,15,45,60,73,63,270,5.28, 4,How much work did you do for the class?,8,15,28,54,76,53,36,270,4.77, 5,How useful was the material you learned in this class?,11,14,37,53,64,51,40,270,4.70, 6,How interesting was the class?,5,2,10,21,70,78,83,269,5.66, Statistic,How much did you think you would enjoy the class?,How much did you enjoy the class?,How much did you learn in the class?,How much work did you do for the class?,How useful was the material you learned in this class?,How interesting was the class?, Min Value,1,1,1,1,1,1, Max Value,7,7,7,7,7,7, Mean,5.27,5.71,5.28,4.77,4.70,5.66, Variance,1.89,1.45,2.17,2.27,2.56,1.69, Standard Deviation,1.38,1.21,1.47,1.51,1.60,1.30, Total Responses,270,270,270,270,270,269, 21. What area was your least favorite humanities class in? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Art/ Art History,0.075098814229249,19,8%, 2,Drama/ Theatre,0.015810276679842,4,2%, 3,Foreign Language,0.11857707509881,30,12%, 4,History and International Studies,0.26086956521739,66,26%, 5,Literature and Writing/ Rhetoric,0.22134387351779,56,22%, 6,Music,0.098814229249012,25,10%, 7,Philosophy and Religion,0.14229249011858,36,14%, 8,Other,0.067193675889328,17,7%, ,Total,,253,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,8, Mean,4.74, Variance,3.30, Standard Deviation,1.82, Total Responses,253, "22. For your least favorite humanities class, please rate it in the following categories compared to the rest of your classes, with 1 being the lowest and 7 being the highest." #,Question,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Total Responses,Mean, 1,How much did you think you would enjoy the class?,14,19,46,45,65,48,14,251,4.31, 2,How much did you enjoy the class?,29,59,59,64,23,17,1,252,3.19, 3,How much did you learn in the class?,30,37,43,49,54,29,10,252,3.74, 4,How much work did you do for the class?,14,18,40,50,47,52,31,252,4.50, 5,How useful was the material you learned in this class?,44,43,55,48,38,20,3,251,3.26, 6,How interesting was the class?,31,41,60,62,35,18,5,252,3.41, Statistic,How much did you think you would enjoy the class?,How much did you enjoy the class?,How much did you learn in the class?,How much work did you do for the class?,How useful was the material you learned in this class?,How interesting was the class?, Min Value,1,1,1,1,1,1, Max Value,7,7,7,7,7,7, Mean,4.31,3.19,3.74,4.50,3.26,3.41, Variance,2.43,1.96,2.81,2.82,2.52,2.26, Standard Deviation,1.56,1.40,1.68,1.68,1.59,1.50, Total Responses,251,252,252,252,251,252, 23. Have you taken a seminar or practicum? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Yes,0.34892086330935,97,35%, 2,No,0.65107913669065,181,65%, ,Total,,278,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,2, Mean,1.65, Variance,0.23, Standard Deviation,0.48, Total Responses,278, 24. Check each project which you have completed: #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,IQP,1,105,100%, 2,MQP,0.36190476190476,38,36%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,2, Total Responses,105, "25. Do you think the number of courses required for the Social Science requirement is:" #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Too many,0.12753623188406,44,13%, 2,Too few,0.098550724637681,34,10%, 3,Just about right,0.73913043478261,255,74%, 4,Other,0.034782608695652,12,3%, ,Total,,345,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,4, Mean,2.68, Variance,0.54, Standard Deviation,0.74, Total Responses,345, "26. Besides the credit requirement, why did you take/ do you plan on taking social science classes?(Select all that apply.)" #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,The subject(s) interest/interested me.,0.6386292834891,205,64%, 2,I thought the classes would be easy.,0.24922118380062,80,25%, 3,I thought the classes would be hard.,0.015576323987539,5,2%, 4,The classes will prep me for the future.,0.36448598130841,117,36%, 5,It applies to my major in some way,0.23052959501558,74,23%, 6,Other (please specify).,0.1183800623053,38,12%, Other (please specify)., I didn't take any, Fit in my sched., possible minor in ENV, Took it in high school, I needed to take them, Fun class in high school, required for major (ECON), None - just the credit requirement., Only did it for the credit, credit requirement is literally the only reason, i only take it because i have too, applies to my minor, i needed another class so that i wasnt underloading and it was the only one that fit into my schedule, Minor, Only took required units, "Have AP credit for one, ID 2050 is going to be my other one.", Minor, minor, solely for the requirement, no other reason, I don't plan on taking any more than required to graduate. , I only took for credit, They're required., Need to have a full courseload, Minor, Applies to minor, Minor, "I want to apply my mechanical engineering major towards helping improve the environment, so it made sense to take an ENV class", Only took it for requirement, Only did it for the credit, fit schedule, I took one in High School, I HAD TO, For IQP, ID 2050 was required for IQP, no other reason besides credit, "The course selection process at this school is stupid, and so is the interface, so I had very few choices", Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,6, Total Responses,321, "27. Did you take or are you planning on taking your social science classes because you think they might help you with IQP, MQP, an internship/ job, or other?" #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Yes (please specify which),0.25073746312684,85,25%, 2,No,0.46902654867257,159,47%, 3,Maybe (not sure),0.28023598820059,95,28%, ,Total,,339,100%, Yes (please specify which), ID 2050, IQP (ID2050), IQP, Job, IQP, ENV 150X, ID2050, Job, ID2050, "ID 2050, GPS", ID2050, Job, ID 2050, IQP, Job, ID 2050, ID 2050, IQP and MQP, ID2050, ID 2050, ID 2050, iqp, ID2050, "Psy classes taught me to look at how people think, also I learned how to run a study ss 2400", job, Economics, IQP, Put me above others, Other: Life, All of them. General knowledge is important, id 2050, With my future studies as I plan to pursue an MBA., "GPS, ID2050", economics, IQP, ID 2050, "Job, I get VEE credit for Econ as an Actuary", ID 2050, IQP, Life, ID2050, IQP, Job, all, ID 2050 for IQP, Internship/Job, IQP, "Life, they would help me better understand the world. It was about time I grew up and learned a little about Political Science ", Internship/Job, Joining military makes sense to know about US History Politics and International Politics, IQP, IQP, "MQP, internship/job", job, "Employers prefer well-rounded job candidates. Unless you are an absolute genius in your narrow field, it helps to have a breadth of knowledge as well as a depth", IQP, ID 2050, "IQP, MQP, and jobs", ID 2050, Iqp, ID 2050 for IQP, There is an environmental science class and i am an environmental engineer, ID 2050, Econ, ID 2050, "ID2050 definitely helps with IQP, MQP, and could even help with internships/jobs.", Micro Economics, ID 2050, ID 2050, IQP, ID2050, Help me with IQP, IQP, Government classes for my future in the Navy, General human interaction, "IQP, Business", "All of my psychology courses,", Independent Study for IQP, ID 2050, IQP/MQP, All of the above, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,3, Mean,2.03, Variance,0.53, Standard Deviation,0.73, Total Responses,339, 28. Did you find the social science classes useful for any of the following? (Select all that apply.) #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,IQP,0.73831775700935,79,74%, 2,MQP,0.14953271028037,16,15%, 3,An internship/ job,0.35514018691589,38,36%, 4,Other (please specify),0.13084112149533,14,13%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,4, Total Responses,107, "29. Do you think the number of courses required for the Humanities and Arts requirement is:" #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Too many,0.35,119,35%, 2,Too few,0.05,17,5%, 3,Just about right,0.57941176470588,197,58%, 4,Other,0.020588235294118,7,2%, ,Total,,340,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,4, Mean,2.27, Variance,0.94, Standard Deviation,0.97, Total Responses,340, "30. Besides the credit requirement, why did you take/ do you plan on taking humanities and arts classes?(Select all that apply.)" #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,The subject(s) interest/interested me.,0.83692307692308,272,84%, 2,I thought the classes would be easy.,0.26769230769231,87,27%, 3,I thought the classes would be hard.,0.021538461538462,7,2%, 4,The classes will prep me for the future.,0.23692307692308,77,24%, 5,It applies to my major in some way,0.14153846153846,46,14%, 6,Other (please specify).,0.070769230769231,23,7%, Other (please specify)., Potential minor, Only Because I had to, i wouldn't take them if i didn't need to for the requirement., i'm only taking it for the credit requirement, I plan on taking as many as I need to graduate. , Religious reasons, could be a potential minor, It is important., Minor, For a minor in music, Going for a history minor because I love it so much., My humanities requirement was waived because I transferred in after already earning a bachelor's degree in theatre, I enjoy art, Being a well rounded person makes for a better life., I HAD TO, i am a musician, They fit in my schedule , Applies to a minor I'm interested in., None, To get a Minor, Well-rounded instead of all science/math courses, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,6, Total Responses,325, "31. Did you take or are you planning on taking your humanities classes because you think they might help you with IQP, MQP, an internship/ job, or other?" #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Yes (please specify which),0.18343195266272,62,18%, 2,No,0.60059171597633,203,60%, 3,Maybe (not sure),0.21597633136095,73,22%, ,Total,,338,100%, Yes (please specify which), Any kind of professional or community project (Ethics), Elements of Writing, Job!, "IQP, MQP, job", MQP, Second Language, RE 2724, Future/internship/iqp/mqp/job, MQP, Spanish, Job, EN 2211, all of the above, IQP, GPS, Spanish, "Elements of Writing, philosophy taught me how to make a logical argument", Job, IQP to a spanish speaking country, IQP, Economics, iqp, Art, Other: Life, Writing is good and I want to be fluent in a foreign language, GPS, International studies would be an interesting addition to my repertoire and may help make me more attractive to employers., writing , "GPS, ID2050", job application essays, Internship/Job, Technical Writing, Civil, Job, all, All of the above, "IQP, MQP, and job- writing is necessary for a scientist to convey their findings correctly ", Music, "If I travel or work abroad, foreign language could be useful.", Job... there was an article from Lockheed Martin that said students with knowledge of history are appealing because it demonstrates critical thinking and writing skills., IQP/MQP/Job, "IQP, MQP, jobs", All Rhetoric classes, Internship , Veterinarian, job, literature/writing classes could help with IQP/MQP writing, Internship/job, I took the writing course to improve my writing, MQP, MQP/job maybe, Writing courses help, Internship, ID2050, "job and internship, MQP", Chinese related histories. HI 2343?, IQP, All of the above, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,3, Mean,2.03, Variance,0.40, Standard Deviation,0.63, Total Responses,338, 32. Did you find the humanities classes useful for any of the following? (Select all that apply.) #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,IQP,0.54054054054054,60,54%, 2,MQP,0.17117117117117,19,17%, 3,An Internship/Job,0.40540540540541,45,41%, 4,Other (please specify),0.24324324324324,27,24%, Other (please specify), Living a good life, good to know, life experiences, "Future, adding another language to my resume", none of these, no, Music is my hobby, no, None, Personal Knowledge, "No, they're not usefull. ", Finding myself, "They can be thought provoking, and change a student's viewpoint about life. ", Writing practice, Life, Pleasure, I don't know, Diversified knowldege is good. , writing, no, hobbies, extracurricular, songwriting, Minor, ROTC, Achieving a minor., Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,4, Total Responses,111, 33. Did WPI's Humanities & Arts or Social Sciences programs influence your decision to attend WPI? 1 being no influence and 7 being influenced very strongly #,Question,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Total Responses,Mean, 1,Humanities & Arts,172,33,31,27,40,23,19,345,2.64, 2,Social Sciences,218,33,31,29,24,7,2,344,1.94, Statistic,Humanities & Arts,Social Sciences, Min Value,1,1, Max Value,7,7, Mean,2.64,1.94, Variance,3.99,2.16, Standard Deviation,2.00,1.47, Total Responses,345,344, 34. What is your gender? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Male,0.52023121387283,180,52.02%, 2,Female,0.47398843930636,164,47.40%, 3,Other,0.0057803468208092,2,0.58%, ,Total,,346,100.00%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,3, Mean,1.49, Variance,0.26, Standard Deviation,0.51, Total Responses,346, 35. What Year student are you? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,First year,0.23255813953488,80,23%, 2,Sophomore,0.23255813953488,80,23%, 3,Junior,0.30523255813953,105,31%, 4,Senior,0.1656976744186,57,17%, 5,Super Senior,0.023255813953488,8,2%, 6,Graduate,0.040697674418605,14,4%, ,Total,,344,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,6, Mean,2.64, Variance,1.66, Standard Deviation,1.29, Total Responses,344, 36. Are you a WPI student? Slide to 80 if yes or 0 if no.The purpose of this question is to make sure that you are paying attention. #,Answer,Min Value,Max Value,Average Value,Standard Deviation,Responses, 1,How Much of a Student are You?,0.00,100.00,80.69,8.29,343, 37. How many majors have you declared/plan on declaring? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,1,0.84104046242775,291,84%, 2,2,0.13583815028902,47,14%, 3,Undecided,0.023121387283237,8,2%, ,Total,,346,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,3, Mean,1.18, Variance,0.20, Standard Deviation,0.44, Total Responses,346, 38. What is your 1st Major? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Actuarial Mathematics,0.026315789473684,9,3%, 2,Aerospace Engineering,0.043859649122807,15,4%, 3,American Studies,0.0058479532163743,2,1%, 4,Architectural Engineering,0.029239766081871,10,3%, 5,Art History,0,0,0%, 6,Biochemistry,0.029239766081871,10,3%, 7,Bioinformatics & Computational Biology,0.0058479532163743,2,1%, 8,Biology & Biotechnology,0.058479532163743,20,6%, 9,Biomedical Engineering,0.1140350877193,39,11%, 10,Chemical Engineering,0.070175438596491,24,7%, 11,Chemistry,0.017543859649123,6,2%, 12,Civil Engineering,0.064327485380117,22,6%, 13,Computer Science,0.073099415204678,25,7%, 14,Drama/Theatre,0,0,0%, 15,Economics,0,0,0%, 16,Electrical & Computer Engineering,0.10233918128655,35,10%, 17,Environmental Engineering,0.032163742690058,11,3%, 18,Environmental Studies,0.0029239766081871,1,0%, 19,Fire Protection Engineering,0,0,0%, 20,German,0,0,0%, 21,Global/International Studies,0.0029239766081871,1,0%, 22,Hispanic Studies,0,0,0%, 23,History,0,0,0%, 24,Humanities Studies of Science & Technology,0,0,0%, 25,Individually-Designed Majors,0,0,0%, 26,Industrial Engineering,0.014619883040936,5,1%, 27,Interactive Media & Game Development,0.014619883040936,5,1%, 28,International Studies,0,0,0%, 29,Law & Technology,0,0,0%, 30,Liberal Arts & Engineering,0,0,0%, 31,Literature,0,0,0%, 32,Management,0.0058479532163743,2,1%, 33,Management Engineering,0.02046783625731,7,2%, 34,Management Information Systems,0.0058479532163743,2,1%, 35,Mathematical Sciences,0.035087719298246,12,4%, 36,Mechanical Engineering,0.16374269005848,56,16%, 37,Music,0,0,0%, 38,Philosophy,0,0,0%, 39,Physics,0.0029239766081871,1,0%, 40,Political Science & Law,0,0,0%, 41,Pre-Health,0,0,0%, 42,Pre-Law,0,0,0%, 43,Professional Writing,0,0,0%, 44,Psychology,0.014619883040936,5,1%, 45,Religion,0,0,0%, 46,Robotics Engineering,0.04093567251462,14,4%, 47,Social Science,0,0,0%, 48,"Society, Technology and Policy",0.0029239766081871,1,0%, 49,Sociology,0,0,0%, 50,Spanish,0,0,0%, 51,System Dynamics,0,0,0%, 52,Writing & Rhetoric,0,0,0%, ,Total,,342,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,1, Max Value,48, Mean,18.61, Variance,174.44, Standard Deviation,13.21, Total Responses,342, 39. What is your 2nd Major? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Actuarial Mathematics,0,0,0%, 2,Aerospace Engineering,0,0,0%, 3,American Studies,0,0,0%, 4,Architectural Engineering,0,0,0%, 5,Art History,0,0,0%, 6,Biochemistry,0,0,0%, 7,Bioinformatics & Computational Biology,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 8,Biology & Biotechnology,0.10869565217391,5,11%, 9,Biomedical Engineering,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 10,Chemical Engineering,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 11,Chemistry,0,0,0%, 12,Civil Engineering,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 13,Computer Science,0.10869565217391,5,11%, 14,Drama/Theatre,0,0,0%, 15,Economics,0,0,0%, 16,Electrical & Computer Engineering,0.065217391304348,3,7%, 17,Environmental Engineering,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 18,Environmental Studies,0,0,0%, 19,Fire Protection Engineering,0.065217391304348,3,7%, 20,German,0,0,0%, 21,Global/International Studies,0,0,0%, 22,Hispanic Studies,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 23,History,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 24,Humanities Studies of Science & Technology,0,0,0%, 25,Individually-Designed Majors,0,0,0%, 26,Industrial Engineering,0,0,0%, 27,Interactive Media & Game Development,0.10869565217391,5,11%, 28,International Studies,0,0,0%, 29,Law & Technology,0,0,0%, 30,Liberal Arts & Engineering,0,0,0%, 31,Literature,0,0,0%, 32,Management,0,0,0%, 33,Management Engineering,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 34,Management Information Systems,0,0,0%, 35,Mathematical Sciences,0.043478260869565,2,4%, 36,Mechanical Engineering,0.15217391304348,7,15%, 37,Music,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 38,Philosophy,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 39,Physics,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 40,Political Science & Law,0,0,0%, 41,Pre-Health,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 42,Pre-Law,0,0,0%, 43,Professional Writing,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 44,Psychology,0.043478260869565,2,4%, 45,Religion,0,0,0%, 46,Robotics Engineering,0.021739130434783,1,2%, 47,Social Science,0,0,0%, 48,"Society, Technology and Policy",0,0,0%, 49,Sociology,0,0,0%, 50,Spanish,0,0,0%, 51,System Dynamics,0,0,0%, 52,Writing & Rhetoric,0,0,0%, ,Total,,46,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,7, Max Value,46, Mean,24.61, Variance,154.29, Standard Deviation,12.42, Total Responses,46, 40. Do you plan on minoring in a humanities or social science program? #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 201,No,0.66184971098266,229,66%, 202,Maybe,0.19653179190751,68,20%, 203,A combination of multiple,0.0028901734104046,1,0%, 204,Drama/Theatre,0.0086705202312139,3,1%, 205,Economics,0.011560693641618,4,1%, 206,English,0.0086705202312139,3,1%, 207,Environmental Studies,0.0086705202312139,3,1%, 208,Foreign Language,0.031791907514451,11,3%, 209,History,0.023121387283237,8,2%, 210,IMGD,0.0028901734104046,1,0%, 211,Law and Technology,0,0,0%, 212,Music,0.026011560693642,9,3%, 213,Political Science and Law,0.0028901734104046,1,0%, 214,Psychology,0.0057803468208092,2,1%, 215,Social Science,0.0028901734104046,1,0%, 216,Sociology,0,0,0%, 217,System Dynamics,0,0,0%, 218,Writing & Rhetoric,0.0057803468208092,2,1%, ,Total,,346,100%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,201, Max Value,218, Mean,202.34, Variance,9.29, Standard Deviation,3.05, Total Responses,346, 41. Select all that you may be or plan to be minoring in. #,Answer,Bar,Response,%, 1,Drama/Theatre,0,0,0%, 2,Economics,0,0,0%, 3,English,0,0,0%, 4,Environmental Studies,0,0,0%, 5,Foreign Language,0,0,0%, 6,History,0,0,0%, 7,IMGD,1,1,100%, 8,Law and Technology,0,0,0%, 9,Music,1,1,100%, 10,Political Science and Law,0,0,0%, 11,Psychology,0,0,0%, 12,Social Science,0,0,0%, 13,Sociology,0,0,0%, 14,System Dynamics,0,0,0%, 15,Writing & Rhetoric,0,0,0%, Statistic,Value, Min Value,7, Max Value,9, Total Responses,1, 42. Do you have any further comments about the subjects covered in this survey?This may include any suggestions to improve the requirements. Text Response, None, "I said 2 for influence to attend WPI of humanities, because since they didn't offer the language I wanted I almost didn't come here. I said maybe for a minor, I might minor in ENV studies.", "I came to school to be an Engineer. I hate that I have to take government and history courses. If the H&A requirement consisted of only a course on patent research and applications, etc. this course and requirement would be infinitely more useful than any number of history and government courses I will ever take.", "I think that the social science requirement is very easy to obtain and gives you a little bit of diversity which will help you to be more cultured in the world. I think that the Humanities requirement is also at a good number however I think that a breath isn't really that necessary. If you focused all of your classes on your depth then you would be equally or even more cultured than you would be looking for a department that only has 2 easy classes where you will just skate by.", I love you, Remove one course from the humanities requirement or make it so there is no breadth or depth just a number of humanities you are required to take. Or Combine social sciences and humanities and arts so then students can take more courses that they are interested in. , "Make super senior into 5+ years also more shibe needed", Only posers are 80% WPI students., N/A, No., "I probably would have taken the classes in my depth regardless of the requirement because I was interested in the subject, but I would probably never have proven to myself to be a pretty good artist without the breadth requirement. I think it might even be more interesting to students to have less depth requirements and more breadth requirements so students can get more exposure to various humanities/arts.", "Number scaling probably will only work if it's like a sliding button, like the one where it asked if I was a WPI student. Actually clicking on the buttons to rate my interest for the humanities or social science classes took a lot of effort and made me more bored.", WPI needs more options for social studies built into the curriculum. Taking more business classes and less humanities classes would have been much more helpful for finding a job., I think 1 Social science and 4 humanities would be better, Nope. Well worded and well done. , no, I think social science/humanities should be reworked to just teach good writing skills. These will be the most beneficial in a real world circumstance. , "Besides ID2050, there's very little point to the social sciences. Either make us take more, or have better, more relevant class options. ", the art humanities needs to be more focused on art. there is alot of history but actually doing painting or drawing or sculpting we are extremely lacking. also some of the professors are nutty and the students really cant relate. the seminar is also extremely limiting. id2050 also needs looking at because students spend inordinate amounts of time preparing for a project and most of the time the project that they think they have isn't the same as what they are studying when they go out of the country. It should be more focused on the culture and writing but the report itself is not helpful in my experience. Some professors also should look at their viewpoints on how they are grading., "The humanities requirement here is often seen as a ""scheme"" for WPI to get an extra semester out of us as students. Though I understand the purpose for the requirement to make us well-rounded students, i know that not many people take it seriously. It's also pretty hard to take this requirement seriously when people are well aware that we go to an engineering school and the likelihood of us using the information in our professional careers is slim to none, so the classes are almost always a joke.", N/A, Nobody reall knows what's going on when it comes to requirements or what classes will work for them , no, "Chinese is now unofficially a minor, so you might wanna add that to the HUA minors list. That's the one I'll be going for, but I couldn't select it (for reasons already mentioned). ", No comments, "You should have an option to say whether or not you are currently doing IQP and if you are currently enrolled in an Inquiry Seminar, or at least clarify whether people should say yes or no if they are enrolled in one of those", This was halarious as shit! Loved the sliding 80 question!, "More emphasis could be placed on economics and more classes could be offered, more frequently, because economics is an important subject with reference to the corporate world and is, in my opinion, as important as engineering.", Dont say super senior... just leave as senior, I honestly had no idea about the humanities requirements at WPI prior to orientation. , "In one of my social science classes, the professor teaching the course became my IQP advisor. It was a great project that I would have never found if the social science requirement did not exist.", "I believe that the requirements do not necessarily need to be changed, but the professors do. I have only interacted with one humanities and arts/social science professor that has been friendly, warm, helpful, and not a pretentious prick. I am thankful that a majority of my requirements for humanities were met before I transferred to WPI because if I would have had to take the full amount here I most likely would have dropped out of school. I can not wait for my Inquiry Seminar to be completed, it has been one of the most miserable courses I have taken at this school. WPI should not be proud of a majority of the humanities and arts/social science professors, they're complete hacks. ", Hi Jeff!!!, I was unsure whether or not the GPS counted in the question you asked about if I've done a seminar or practicum. , "I would suggest adding more inquiry seminars/practicums or making it easy for a group of students to find a professor and ""create"" their own. I felt that I had limited choices and was not totally happy with the only option that met my graduation requirements and fit into my schedule. ", "I think the practicum prerequisites should be loose. For example, the classes I have to take in order to get into a specific practicum shouldn't be defined extremely explicitly.", "Make humanities a breadth only requirement to allow for more flexibility. This could mean having 3 or 4 required courses, but in any section you want (whether that be all 3 or 4 in the same section, or each one in a different section). ", Would like to see more options for integrating business classes/market awareness classes into humanities so we can be prepared to affect the world more with engineering work that can be integrated into the world market faster. , I think the philosophy class have been the most influential and worth the time...before i took philosophy classes I was under the impression that HUA requirement at WPI was a waste of tuition., Have inquiry seminars be more flexible to which classes you have previously taken., "I took German for my HUA requirement. While it doesn't apply to me, other students may find the language useful for understanding organic chemistry, in which much nomenclature is derived from German.", I think u should make a selection for the students who don't complete the IQP or MQP yet., "The survey should be shorter. The survey should be easier The prize money should be greater. My chance of winning should be higher.", Less requirements to graduate, "Nope, seemed fine. ", None, "The HUA requirement was difficult for me to figure out on my own... I had to ask professors for insight. Making this requirement clearer for freshmen and sophomores would really help them out when making their schedules. The same applies to those seeking minors. Good luck on your project!", My only complaint about the social sciences requirement is that it has been difficult to find classes which fit into my schedule., Too many humanities requirements and the requirements themselves are not that clear., Nothing comes to mind, "Have students be required to choose the humanities depth in courses with the seminar and not including breath humanities courses. Take 3 humanities in depth courses and a seminar, rather than taking 5 courses and a seminar.", no, "Honestly, there are too many humanities and social science courses required. No one came to this school because they wanted to study history or English. It's good to offer them, but it's not good to require so many when they are not applicable or useful to our majors or our careers. Let people who are interested in the subject take the course, but don't force everyone to fulfill the requirements when they could be taking different, applicable courses that actually help them learn what they need to know for their career. ", "Less is more! WPI should have very common paths for 3 - year graduation. Get rid of the ""Breadth"" requirement", I enjoyed the fact that the social science and humanities requirements exist, put more humanity courses like 8, NO, "The HUA requirement is easy to accomplish if you bring in AP credits, but i think the requirement on taking 6 could be modified. Why not just minor? Dunno, just a thought.", "I wish there were more Social Science requirements so we would get a greature exposure of social science, and some humanities requirements could be removed to allow that", "I dont think there should be a capstone project, taking classes should be enough", moooooooooooooooooooooo, Reduce the humanities requirements. I felt I wasted half of a year taking those classes and they added little to no value to my education. , I wasn't expecting my social science class to be so difficult and require so much time. I also was never fully aware of what the teacher was asking me each test/paper topic was extremely vague but if I didn't write about what he thought I should be writing I was penalized, I love how you guys put some humor on the last page., "I had some bad experiences with the professors of my depth field. Some of the professors are simply extremely bias one way, and dont even consider what a student might be arguing, and he later gives them a C for little to no reason. Professor Gottlieb is the man, however.", "I feel like these requirements are just to get us to write (engineers are sterotypically bad at writing). My art classes, save for the art history class (which is terrible, I might add) never really had me write more than pile a mountain of work on me, especially the digital art classes. To be perfectly honest my writing ability has always been perfectly fine so this is really a non-issue, save for the unnecessarily high workload and reading load.", "The humanities requirements are confusing; no 2 professors ever seem to agree on them. The social science is a bit of a joke, especially if you go away for IQP...ID 2050 is useless as a social science class, its more 'write your proposal class.'", "I'll put it this way. From my impression talking with fellow classmates, everyone thinks Social Science is a waste of time. ID 2050 was very useless for my project as the Professor who ran it was stuck in the mindset that our sponsor wanted a social project with surveys. We knew our Professor was wrong and when we sent him along the correspondence we had with our sponsor, he ignored it. So we ignored the ID 2050 Professor and listened to our actual advisor and sponsor and ended up leaving our sponsor with a project that is being heard by the municipal government for implementation.", More specifications in the undergrad catalog. Perhaps a sample HU&A setup. I would have taken a foreign language class A term if I had known more about the program., "I tried sliding it to 80 percent but it wouldnt work, it only went to 0 or 100", You should mention things about the professors... quality of teaching. I feel like that has deterred some kids from classes was the poor or over ambitious and difficult teaching of professors, Create one document which easily and clearly depicts the requirements with simple charts or something, Allow AP credits to count towards your depth, Statistic,Value, Total Responses,73,