"Natural Language Interface Using First Order Logic" A Major Qualifying Project by Craig Andrews, Mike Itz, and Martin Meyer for Worcester Polytechnic Insitute, 2005. To run the "Natural Language Interface Using First Order Logic" application, run the following command from the source code root directory (provided as run.sh within the src directory): java -cp .:lojban_peg_parser.jar:antlr.jar:icu4j.jar:jakarta-oro-2.0.5.jar:jdom.jar:jena.jar:jtp.jar:log4j.jar:xercesImpl.jar:xmlParserAPIs.jar:FreeTTS/cmu_time_awb.jar:FreeTTS/cmu_us_kal.jar:FreeTTS/cmudict04.jar:FreeTTS/cmulex.jar:FreeTTS/cmutimelex.jar:FreeTTS/en_us.jar:FreeTTS/freetts.jar:FreeTTS/jsapi.jar lojban.gui.LojbanGui The application requires JRE/JDK 1.5 or higher to be run/compiled. --LICENSE and DISTRIBUTION-- The code written by the Project Team (Craig Andrews, Mike Itz, and Martin Meyer) is released under the GNU General Public license (GPL). The full text of this license is available in the "COPYING" file. The additional software included with the "Natural Language Interface Using First Order Logic" application are distributed in accordance with their respective licenses. These included pieces of software are the "Java Theorem Prover" and "FreeTTS", and assortment of others. The source code for the "Java Theorem Prover" is not provided, as in order to comply with its license, only binaries may be distributed. See http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/software/JTP/ for more information. Partial source for "FreeTTS" is included in the "lojban/textToSpeech/voice" directory. The requirements for its license are met, as the Project Team releases these modified "FreeTTS" files in this directory under the BSD-style license that "FreeTTS" uses. For more information, see http://freetts.sourceforge.net. The other libraries are included as jar files, and were not modified in any way, and their licenses are all compatible with non-modified binary distribution.