// Changes from version 1: // Added quotes to the encoding of browser version number // since they turn out to be strings rather than actual numbers // Added comments // Variables start with 'T' to help prevent declaring a variable that already exists // (since this code is inserted directly into a game page) var TstartTime, TendTime; var TimageAddr; var TbigImageSize; var TsmallImageSize; var Tdownload = new Image(); var Tpacket = new Image(); var Tcounter = 0; var TRTT = {}; var Tresults = '{'; var TtestVersion = 2; // Version of this script var TlCounter = 0; var Tlocations = 10; var Tsurvey_value = {}; // The servers around the world that we test with var Tlocation = {}; Tlocation[0] = {}; Tlocation[0]['prefix'] = 'WPI_'; Tlocation[0]['bigFileURL'] = '../sizeFiles/size100000B.bmp'; Tlocation[0]['bigFileSize'] = 100000; Tlocation[0]['smallFileURL'] = '../sizeFiles/size43B.gif'; Tlocation[0]['smallFileSize'] = 43; Tlocation[1] = {}; Tlocation[1]['prefix'] = 'Australia_'; Tlocation[1]['bigFileURL'] = 'http://caia.swin.edu.au/images/for-wpi.edu/size100000B.bmp'; Tlocation[1]['bigFileSize'] = 100000; Tlocation[1]['smallFileURL'] = 'http://caia.swin.edu.au/images/for-wpi.edu/size43B.gif'; Tlocation[1]['smallFileSize'] = 43; Tlocation[2] = {}; Tlocation[2]['prefix'] = 'Singapore_'; Tlocation[2]['bigFileURL'] = 'http://eiger.ddns.comp.nus.edu.sg/pubs/size100000B.bmp'; Tlocation[2]['bigFileSize'] = 100000; Tlocation[2]['smallFileURL'] = 'http://eiger.ddns.comp.nus.edu.sg/pubs/size43B.gif'; Tlocation[2]['smallFileSize'] = 43; Tlocation[3] = {}; Tlocation[3]['prefix'] = 'Japan_'; Tlocation[3]['bigFileURL'] = 'http://www.ime.cmc.osaka-u.ac.jp/~kiyo/pub/wpi/size100000B.bmp'; Tlocation[3]['bigFileSize'] = 100000; Tlocation[3]['smallFileURL'] = 'http://www.ime.cmc.osaka-u.ac.jp/~kiyo/pub/wpi/size43B.gif'; Tlocation[3]['smallFileSize'] = 43; Tlocation[4] = {}; Tlocation[4]['prefix'] = 'OR_'; Tlocation[4]['bigFileURL'] = 'http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~wuchi/size100000B.bmp'; Tlocation[4]['bigFileSize'] = 100000; Tlocation[4]['smallFileURL'] = 'http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~wuchi/size43B.gif'; Tlocation[4]['smallFileSize'] = 43; Tlocation[5] = {}; Tlocation[5]['prefix'] = 'MN_'; Tlocation[5]['bigFileURL'] = 'http://www.grouplens.org/system/files/ekstrand.jpg'; Tlocation[5]['bigFileSize'] = 97005; Tlocation[5]['smallFileURL'] = 'http://www.grouplens.org/sites/www.grouplens.org/themes/barron/images/close-quote.gif'; Tlocation[5]['smallFileSize'] = 159; Tlocation[6] = {}; Tlocation[6]['prefix'] = 'MA_'; Tlocation[6]['bigFileURL'] = 'http://www.cs.bu.edu/~best/public/size100000B.bmp'; Tlocation[6]['bigFileSize'] = 100000; Tlocation[6]['smallFileURL'] = 'http://www.cs.bu.edu/~best/public/size43B.gif'; Tlocation[6]['smallFileSize'] = 43; Tlocation[7] = {}; Tlocation[7]['prefix'] = 'UK_'; Tlocation[7]['bigFileURL'] = 'http://www.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~tristan/include/images/banners/wall.jpg'; Tlocation[7]['bigFileSize'] = 56046; Tlocation[7]['smallFileURL'] = 'http://www.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~tristan/include/images/bg.gif'; Tlocation[7]['smallFileSize'] = 82; Tlocation[8] = {}; Tlocation[8]['prefix'] = 'France_'; Tlocation[8]['bigFileURL'] = 'http://openvirtualenvironment.lip6.fr/sizeFiles/size100000B.bmp'; Tlocation[8]['bigFileSize'] = 100000; Tlocation[8]['smallFileURL'] = 'http://openvirtualenvironment.lip6.fr/sizeFiles/size43B.gif'; Tlocation[8]['smallFileSize'] = 43; Tlocation[9] = {}; Tlocation[9]['prefix'] = 'Norway_'; Tlocation[9]['bigFileURL'] = 'http://home.ifi.uio.no/griff/size100000B.bmp'; Tlocation[9]['bigFileSize'] = 100000; Tlocation[9]['smallFileURL'] = 'http://home.ifi.uio.no/griff/size43B.gif'; Tlocation[9]['smallFileSize'] = 43; // Grabbing the browser user agent var Tuser_agent = navigator.userAgent; var TversionIndex = -1; var Tbrowser = Tuser_agent; if (Tbrowser.indexOf('Firefox') != -1) { TversionIndex = Tbrowser.indexOf('Firefox') + 8; Tbrowser = "Firefox"; } else if (Tbrowser.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) { TversionIndex = Tbrowser.indexOf('MSIE') + 5; Tbrowser = "Internet Explorer"; } else if (Tbrowser.indexOf('Chrome') != -1) { TversionIndex = Tbrowser.indexOf('Chrome') + 7; Tbrowser = "Chrome"; } else if (Tbrowser.indexOf('Opera') != -1) { TversionIndex = Tbrowser.indexOf('Opera') + 6; Tbrowser = "Opera"; } else if (Tbrowser.indexOf('Safari') != -1) { TversionIndex = Tbrowser.indexOf('Safari') + 7; Tbrowser = "Safari"; } else { Tbrowser = "Other/Unknown"; } var Tversion; var TversionEnd = Tuser_agent.indexOf(' ', TversionIndex); if (TversionEnd == -1) { TversionEnd = Tuser_agent.indexOf(';', TversionIndex); if (TversionEnd == -1) { TversionEnd = Tuser_agent.indexOf('\n', TversionIndex); } else if (Tuser_agent.indexOf('\n', TversionIndex) != -1) { TversionEnd = Math.min(TversionEnd, Tuser_agent.indexOf('\n', TversionIndex)); } } else if (Tuser_agent.indexOf(';', TversionIndex) == -1) { if (Tuser_agent.indexOf('\n', TversionIndex) != -1) { TversionEnd = Math.min(TversionEnd, Tuser_agent.indexOf('\n', TversionIndex)); } } else { TversionEnd = Math.min(TversionEnd, Tuser_agent.indexOf(';', TversionIndex)); if (Tuser_agent.indexOf('\n', TversionIndex) != -1) { TversionEnd = Math.min(TversionEnd, Tuser_agent.indexOf('\n', TversionIndex)); } } if (TversionIndex == -1) { Tversion = navigator.appVersion; Tversion = Tversion.substring(0, Tversion.indexOf(' ')); } else { if (TversionEnd == -1) { Tversion = Tuser_agent.substring(TversionIndex); } else { Tversion = Tuser_agent.substring(TversionIndex, TversionEnd); } } var TOS = Tuser_agent; if (TOS.indexOf('Windows') != -1) { TOS = 'Windows'; } else if (TOS.indexOf('Mac') != -1) { TOS = 'Mac'; } else if (TOS.indexOf('Linux') != -1) { TOS = 'Linux'; } else { TOS = 'Unknown'; } Tuser_agent = '{"browser":"' + Tbrowser + '","version":"' + Tversion + '","OS":"' + TOS + '"}'; // gets the selected radio button's value (returns last button's value if none selected) function TgetRadioValue(radios) { var len = radios.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (radios[i].checked) { return radios[i].value; } } return radios[len - 1].value; } // Submit test results function TsendResults() { Tsurvey_value['connection_type'] = TgetRadioValue(document.Tsurvey.connection_type); Tsurvey_value['connection_access'] = TgetRadioValue(document.Tsurvey.connection_access); Tsurvey_value['connection_location'] = TgetRadioValue(document.Tsurvey.connection_location); var surveyString = '{"connection_type":"' + Tsurvey_value['connection_type'] + '","connection_access":"' + Tsurvey_value['connection_access'] + '","connection_location":"' + Tsurvey_value['connection_location'] + '"}'; Tsurvey_value = {}; Tresults += '"script_version":' + TtestVersion + '}'; Torder++; var params = ''; params = "results=" + Tresults // Whatever, so long as in JSON format + "&cookie=" + Tcookie // Random string of 5 characters, case sensitive (expects value from game page) + "&auto=1" // Always 1 for data from this script + "&order=" + Torder // Session testing number (expects value from game page) + "&survey=" + surveyString // Results from the survey on the game page + "&user_agent=" + Tuser_agent // Example: {"browser":"Firefox","version":"","OS":"Windows"} + "&from_game=1"; // Always 1 for data from this script, obviously Tresults = '{'; // console.log(params); // Upload the results var request = false; try { request = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (trymicrosoft) { try { request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (othermicrosoft) { try { request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (failed) { request = false; } } } if (!request) { alert("Error: Your browser does not support XMLHttpRequests"); } else { // request.open("POST", "http://hmn-games.cs.wpi.edu/~mihajlo/Project/add_hmn_test_to_test_db.cgi", true); // Test data request.open("POST", "http://hmn-games.cs.wpi.edu/~mihajlo/Project/add_hmn_test_to_official_db.cgi", true); // Real data // request.open("POST", "http://hmn.cs.wpi.edu/add_hmn_test.cgi", true); // Real data (Doesn't work in IE, access not allowed) // Send the proper header information along with the request request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); request.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length); request.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); request.send(params); // Call a function when the state changes. request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState == 4) { // && request.status == 200) { setTimeout("TrunTest()", 60000); // Wait a minute and then run tests again } } } } // Gathers RTT data function TtestRTT() { if (Tcounter < 10) { TstartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); Tpacket.src = Tlocation[TlCounter]['smallFileURL'] + "?n=" + TstartTime + Tcounter; } else { Tcounter = 0; Tresults += '],'; Tnum = 0; var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (TRTT[i] != "ERROR") { total += TRTT[i]; Tnum++; } } var avg; if (total == 0 || Tnum < 2) { avg = "ERROR"; } else { avg = total / Tnum; // AVERAGE RTT var time_date = new Date(parseInt((new Date()).getTime())); var UTC = Date.UTC(time_date.getFullYear(), time_date.getMonth(), time_date.getDate(), time_date.getHours(), time_date.getMinutes(), time_date.getSeconds()); chart_RTT.series[TlCounter].addPoint([UTC, avg]); total = 0; for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) { if (TRTT[j] != "ERROR") { total += Math.pow(TRTT[j] - avg, 2); } } var CoV = Math.round(( (Math.sqrt(total / (Tnum - 1)) / avg) ) * 100) / 100; // JITTER (ms^2) // Coefficient of Variation: std/avg (unitless) chart_Jitter.series[TlCounter].addPoint([UTC, CoV]); } TlCounter++; if (TlCounter < Tlocations) { setTimeout("TrunTest()", 100); } else { TlCounter = 0; TsendResults(); } } } // Gathers Throughput data function TshowResults() { var duration = (TendTime - TstartTime) var bitsLoaded = TbigImageSize * 8; var speedbps = bitsLoaded / (duration / 1000); var speedKbps = (speedbps / 1024); var speedMbps = Math.round((speedKbps / 1024) * 100) / 100; // THROUGHPUT var time_date = new Date(parseInt((new Date()).getTime())); var UTC = Date.UTC(time_date.getFullYear(), time_date.getMonth(), time_date.getDate(), time_date.getHours(), time_date.getMinutes(), time_date.getSeconds()); chart_Throughput.series[TlCounter].addPoint([UTC, speedMbps]); TsmallImageSize = Tlocation[TlCounter]['smallFileSize']; var prefix = Tlocation[TlCounter]['prefix']; Tresults += '"' + prefix + 'bigObjectSize_Bytes":' + TbigImageSize + ',"' + prefix + 'timeToDownload_ms":' + duration + ',"' + prefix + 'smallObjectSize_Bytes":' + TsmallImageSize + ',"' + prefix + 'RTT_ms":['; } function TdownloadNew(adress, filesize) { // Run speedtest TstartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); TimageAddr = '' + adress + '?n=' + TstartTime; TbigImageSize = parseInt(filesize); Tdownload.src = TimageAddr; } Tpacket.onload = function() { TendTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var duration = (TendTime - TstartTime); TRTT[Tcounter] = duration; Tresults += duration; Tcounter++; if (Tcounter < 10) { Tresults += ','; } TtestRTT(); } Tpacket.onerror = function(evt) { console.log(this.src + " failed to load"); TendTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var duration = (TendTime - TstartTime); TRTT[Tcounter] = "ERROR"; Tresults += duration; Tcounter++; if (Tcounter < 10) { Tresults += ','; } TtestRTT(); } // When image loaded, note time Tdownload.onload = function() { TendTime = (new Date()).getTime(); TshowResults(); TtestRTT(); } // If can't load image, alert Tdownload.onerror = function(evt) { console.log(this.src + " failed to load"); TendTime = (new Date()).getTime(); TsmallImageSize = Tlocation[TlCounter]['smallFileSize']; var prefix = Tlocation[TlCounter]['prefix']; Tresults += '"' + prefix + 'bigObjectSize_Bytes":' + TbigImageSize + ',"' + prefix + 'timeToDownload_ms":"ERROR","' + prefix + 'smallObjectSize_Bytes":' + TsmallImageSize + ',"' + prefix + 'RTT_ms":['; TtestRTT(); } // Run the network tests function TrunTest() { var bigFile = Tlocation[TlCounter]['bigFileURL']; var size = Tlocation[TlCounter]['bigFileSize']; TdownloadNew(bigFile, size); } // Start the tests and create the graphs as soon as the page is loaded document.onready = function() { drawGraph(); TrunTest(); }