SITE adddir location name This command will add a virtual directory to the ftps file system. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The first argument is the location of the directory on your harddrive that you wish to add, for example c:\my folder. Spaces are allowed in the folder path and the location should not end with \. The second argument is the name that you want the virual folder to be called, this name can not have any spaces in it. The virtual directory will be added in whatever your current directory on the ftp is, the default rights it will be given is a read access to people with level 1000. You will probobly need to add further rights to it with the use if the adddirgroup command. SITE adddirgroup level permissions This command will add a permissions group to the current virtual directory that you are in. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The first argument is the group level you want to give access too. This is represented by an integer value between 1 and 1000, all all uses have a group value that is in that range and every user thats group value is atleast as high as you set it here will have the rights you give it in the second argument. The second argument is the access rights that you want to give the group, this will be either the number 1,2,3. If you want only read permissions you give the value of one, if you want read and write permissions you give the value of two. If you want read, write and delete permissions you give the value of three, please not that in order to append files you need to have delete permissions. SITE deldir directory The this command will delete the virtual directory that you give it the name of. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or atleast in a group with an access level of 1000. The only argument is the name of the virual directory that you want to delete. You must be in the directory that this virtual directory is in. SITE editdir location name This command will edit the current virtual diirectory that you are in. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The first argument is the location of the directory on your harddrive that you wish to add, for example c:\my folder. Spaces are allowed in the folder path and the location should not end with \. The second argument is the name that you want the virual folder to be called, this name can not have any spaces in it. The virtual directory will be modified with the values given, all of the groups in it will remain the same. SITE adduser name password group This command will add a new user to the ftp. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The first argument is the name of the new user, this can not be the same as any user already in the database and must be no longer then 29 alpha numberic characters. The second argument is the password for that user, this passord much be no longer then 19 alpha numberic characters in legnth. The last argument is the name of the group that this user will become part of. This group name must be the name of a group that has been created, or the siteop group. An ip rule will be added to the user that is *.*.*.*, this means that by default the user will allow connection from any ip address, if you do not want this you will need to change it with the addip and delip commands in edituser. All of the other values in this user will be set to the default values, you will probobly need to change them with the edituser command, or lock the user to a group to make them use the group settings, also done with the edit user command. SITE addgroup name level This command will add a new group to the ftp. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The first argument is the name of the new group, this can not be the same as any group already in the database and must be no longer then 29 alpha numberic characters. The second argument is the access level for this new group, this must be an integer value between the values of 1 and 1000. This number will be used to determine the rights users have on the ftp, 1000 is the highest access level. All of the other values in this group will be set to the default values, you will probobly need to change them with the editgroup command. SITE delgroup name This command will delete the group you specify from the database. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. You will not beable to delete a group that users are a part of, so before you delete a group you must assign all users that are part of it to another group or delete them. SITE deluser name This command will delete the user you specify from the database. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. You can not delete a user that is currently connected to the ftp, if the user you are trying to delete is currently connected to the ftp then you must first disconnect them, you may use the kill command for that. SITE editgroup The editgroup command is used to edit the settings in a usergroup. The first argument you pass it is the name of the group that you want to edit. The next argument is the type of change that you want to make.In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE editgroup name allowfxp boolean This command allowes you to change the group setting of wether to allow fxp or not. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The argument this takes is a boolean value represented by a 0 for false and a 1 for true. SITE editgroup name bwlimit amount This command lets you set the bandwidth limit for users in this group per sessions, the value is an integer value represented in bytes. So what you would pass it is the number of bytes that you will allow to be transferred in every sessions which is reprssented in number of days in bwlimittype. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE editgroup name bwlimittype days This command lets you set the number of days that each session for this group lasts. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The argument that you pass it is the number of days that each bandwith seession last. This is used for the bandwidth quotas, you set the amount that a person is able to download in the bwlimit and they will be able to download that much every this number of days. If you want the user to have no quota just set the number of days to zero. SITE editgroup name iponfxp boolean This command allowes you to change the group setting of wether to do ip checking in an fxp transfer. What this means is that the server that you are fxping to must be in the users list of alloed IP addresses, if it is not then it will not be allowed. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The argument this takes is a boolean value represented by a 0 for false and a 1 for true. SITE editgroup name freefilesize size This command lets you set the maximum size of a file that a user can download with out having it count agaisnt their credits. If you want to not have any free files then set this value to zero. This is not a relevant setting if you do not have ratios on. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The argument that this takes is the size in bytes. SITE editgroup name permissions level This command allowed you to change the access level for this group, the argument must be an integer value between the values of 1 and 1000. This number will be used to determine the rights users have on the ftp, 1000 is the highest access level. This setting will effect all users that are in this group reguardless if those users have the lock to group value set. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE editgroup name maxdownloadspeed speed This command allowes you to set the maximum speed that a user will beable to download a file from the server. The argument that it takes is the number of maximum bytes per second that they will be allowed to transfer. If you do not want their to be a max download speed then simply set this value to zero. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE editgroup name maxuploadnuspeed speed This command allowes you to set the maximum speed that a user will beable to upload a file from the server. The argument that it takes is the number of maximum bytes per second that they will be allowed to transfer. If you do not want their to be a max upload speed then simply set this value to zero. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE editgroup name maxlogins number This command will allow you to set the max number of times a user can be logged in at any given time. The value it is passed is an integer value between 0 and max int. There is not way to turn off max number of logins so if you want an unlimited number just set the value of maxlogins greater then the number of max users allowed on the server, then there will not be an issue. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE editgroup name ratiod number This command lets you set the denominator of ratio that this group will use. The ratio repsents how mant credits that they get for every byte that they upload. The value must be a positive number large then 0, if it is not that will turn of ratios. If you want to turn off ratios it is recommended that you use the ratiooff command and not just set the numnerator and the denominator to -1. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE editgroup name ration number This command lets you set the numerator of ratio that this group will use. The ratio repsents how mant credits that they get for every byte that they upload. The value must be a positive number large then 0, if it is not that will turn of ratios. If you want to turn off ratios it is recommended that you use the ratiooff command and not just set the numnerator and the denominator to -1. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser The edituser command is used to edit the settings in a user. The first argument you pass it is the name of the user that you want to edit. The next argument is the type of change that you want to make.In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser name active boolean This command allowes you to change wether or not that this users account is active. If they are not active then they will not be allwed to log on. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The argument this takes is a boolean value represented by a 0 for false and a 1 for true. SITE edituser name addip iprule This command will allow you to add an ip rule to a user. The ip rule must be one that is not already part ot the users. The format for the ip rule is either a * to reprsent that anythign is allowd, a 3 digit numner like 077 to specify that only that number is allowd or a seven digit sequence to symbolize a range like 077-100. So a valid IP rule would be “077.120-150.*.200” an invalid IP rule would be “*” or “77.*.*.77-100.” An ip rule representes an ip that is allowed to connect and access will be granted if any ip rule in the list matches the ip that someone is connecting from. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser name delip iprule This command will allow you to delete an ip rile that is in a user. Each user must have atleast one ip rule so you will not be able to delete it if it is that last ip rule for that user. If an IP rule exists for the user that matches the string given here it will be deleted, given that it is not the last ip rule. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser name ratiooff This command allowes you turn the ratio off for a user. If you run this command the user's ratio will be trurned off and their credits will be set to zero. It takes no arguments. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser name credits numcredtis This command lets you set the number of credits that a user currently has. This must be a positive integer value. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser name groupname gname This command allows you to set the group that a user is in. The argument is the name of the group that you desire to make this user a member of. This group must be one that is in the groups database, either the siteop group or a group that you have created. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser name locktogroup boolean This command allowes you to set wether or not this user is locked to his group. What this means is if the settings for the group that this user is a part of are going to be the settings for this user. If a user is locked to his group and you change a group setting like max download speed then this user will get the new maxdownload speed value. If he is not locked to the group then he will not get the new value and he will keep what he had. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The argument this takes is a boolean value represented by a 0 for false and a 1 for true. SITE edituser name password newpassword This command allows you to set a new password for a user. The password must be no longer then 19 alphanumneric characters. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser name allowfxp boolean This command allowes you to change the group setting of wether to allow fxp or not. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The argument this takes is a boolean value represented by a 0 for false and a 1 for true. SITE edituser name bwlimit amount This command lets you set the bandwidth limit for users in this group per sessions, the value is an integer value represented in bytes. So what you would pass it is the number of bytes that you will allow to be transferred in every sessions which is reprssented in number of days in bwlimittype. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituserp name bwlimittype days This command lets you set the number of days that each session for this group lasts. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The argument that you pass it is the number of days that each bandwith seession last. This is used for the bandwidth quotas, you set the amount that a person is able to download in the bwlimit and they will be able to download that much every this number of days. If you want the user to have no quota just set the number of days to zero. SITE edituser name iponfxp boolean This command allowes you to change the group setting of wether to do ip checking in an fxp transfer. What this means is that the server that you are fxping to must be in the users list of alloed IP addresses, if it is not then it will not be allowed. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The argument this takes is a boolean value represented by a 0 for false and a 1 for true. SITE edituser name freefilesize size This command lets you set the maximum size of a file that a user can download with out having it count agaisnt their credits. If you want to not have any free files then set this value to zero. This is not a relevant setting if you do not have ratios on. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. The argument that this takes is the size in bytes. SITE edituser name permissions level This command allowed you to change the access level for this group, the argument must be an integer value between the values of 1 and 1000. This number will be used to determine the rights users have on the ftp, 1000 is the highest access level. This setting will effect all users that are in this group reguardless if those users have the lock to group value set. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser name maxdownloadspeed speed This command allowes you to set the maximum speed that a user will beable to download a file from the server. The argument that it takes is the number of maximum bytes per second that they will be allowed to transfer. If you do not want their to be a max download speed then simply set this value to zero. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser name maxuploadnuspeed speed This command allowes you to set the maximum speed that a user will beable to upload a file from the server. The argument that it takes is the number of maximum bytes per second that they will be allowed to transfer. If you do not want their to be a max upload speed then simply set this value to zero. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser name maxlogins number This command will allow you to set the max number of times a user can be logged in at any given time. The value it is passed is an integer value between 0 and max int. There is not way to turn off max number of logins so if you want an unlimited number just set the value of maxlogins greater then the number of max users allowed on the server, then there will not be an issue. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser name ratiod number This command lets you set the denominator of ratio that this group will use. The ratio repsents how mant credits that they get for every byte that they upload. The value must be a positive number large then 0, if it is not that will turn of ratios. If you want to turn off ratios it is recommended that you use the ratiooff command and not just set the numnerator and the denominator to -1. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE edituser name ration number This command lets you set the numerator of ratio that this group will use. The ratio repsents how mant credits that they get for every byte that they upload. The value must be a positive number large then 0, if it is not that will turn of ratios. If you want to turn off ratios it is recommended that you use the ratiooff command and not just set the numnerator and the denominator to -1. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE kill name This command allows you to foricibly disconnect a user from the ftp. The argument is the name of the user, if that user is currently connected to the ftp they will be disconnected. This includes all sessions of them logged in, so if they are logged in twice both connections will be closed. In order to run this command you must be in the siteop group or have an access level of 1000. SITE shutdown This command will disconnect all current users from the ftp, save all the settings and close the application. Be warned that once you run this command you will need to manualy restart the server before you will be able to do anything again.