WPS Class of 1999 pilot study for WSC follow-up
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open in viewerWe conducted a pilot study using existing MBTI data, SAT scores, grades, and college placement data from the Worcester Public School's class of 1999. The findings revealed that intuitive and perceiving high school students had higher SAT averages than sensing and judging high school students. Among females, the feeling students had an advantage on the SAT. When the SAT was divided into ranges sought by and typical of the more selective colleges, it was clear that the differences by these MBTI variables were large enough to be of practical significance in terms of college admission. These differences in cognitive distribution sometimes appear in odd ways. For example, two of the four high schools in Worcester have significantly higher percentages of intuitives than the other two schools. Furthermore, the minority population had lower SAT scores which may may partly be explained by the differences in sensing and intuition by ethhnic distribution in Worcester.
- This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
- Creator
- Subject
- Publisher
- Identifier
- 03D147I
- Keyword
- Advisor
- Year
- 2003
- Date created
- 2003-01-01
- Location
- Worcester
- Resource type
- Rights statement
- In Collection:
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