Student Work

A Novel Design to Canine and Feline Bone Healing Using External Fixation


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Circular external fixation devices provide stabilization and improved bone healing for cats and dogs through the use of a minimally invasive procedure. This novel circular external fixation device provides an easy to use, radiolucent, safe, and economical design. The new ring design enables veterinarians to have more variability in the placement of the stabilization wires. The new clamp design has fewer parts and can be used with existing standard industry wires and pins. The use of magnets in this innovative design eliminates the complex tooling required for assembly and disassembly of the external fixation device. This design was tested to sustain a load of 584.5N, which exceeds the amount of force produced by a 50 pound canine.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-041812-165205
  • 2012
Date created
  • 2012-04-18
Resource type
Rights statement

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