Student Work

Conversion of Carboxylic Acids to Ketones Utilizing Nitrile Sources

Público Deposited

This project investigates the reaction conditions needed to optimize the direct conversion of carboxylic acids to their corresponding ketones utilizing nitrile sources. The reaction utilizes two common and cheap motifs as reagents so that an optimized reaction could eventually be scaled up and utilized as a competitive method for the synthesis for a variety of ketone products. Optimization took form in the manipulation of the substrate, silver salt, type of nitrile, salt additives, heavy metal salts, solvent ratios, and solvent compositions. Optimized reaction conditions were not reached as the highest product yield of 33.96% was an exception for only one substrate. Despite this the trials did reveal significant insight which was critical to piecing together a hypothesis for the side product formation mechanism with hydrogen sulfate at its center.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-042424-151816
  • 121541
Palabra Clave
  • 2024
Date created
  • 2024-04-24
Resource type
  • E-project-042424-151816
Rights statement
Última modificación
  • 2024-05-28

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