Student Work

A Multimedia Showcase: Planning the Celebration of 35 Years of Research at the Venice Project Center

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This project reviewed, developed, deployed, and recommended the use of an array of multimedia resources to showcase and celebrate 35 years of research at the Venice Project Center (VPC). Its primary output was the planning of a docu-series that will highlight the many extraordinary aspects of Venice using the vast archive of research and knowledge collected and maintained by the Venice Project Center since 1988. The project’s deliverables included: (1) the review, sorting, and categorization of the VPC’s roughly 250 projects; (2) the creation of storytelling strategies to develop a multimedia plan; (3) the review, inventory, and design of user guides for VPC media equipment; (4) the establishment of a framework for future media production; (5) the development of a storyboard for a documentary episode about bridges using the StoryMap software; (6) the recording and editing a pilot docu-series episode on traditional boats in Venice; (7) recommendations for future events, exhibits, and social media marketing related to the anniversary and (8) the creation of a new VPC website to improve its efficiency and maintainability for the long term. In sum, this project set the stage for the VPC’s 35th anniversary to serve as a showcase and celebration of its extraordinary work.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-071323-060012
  • 112051
  • 2023
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Date created
  • 2023-07-13
Resource type
  • E-project-071323-060012
Rights statement
Last modified
  • 2023-08-22




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