Student Work

Development of Generative Recycling System in Rural Eastern Ghana through Co-Design Principles


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Here, we present a case study of our effort to develop local waste management and recycling initiatives in Ghana's Eastern rural region. In doing so, we document their challenges and their innovative solutions in the context of plastic waste management. This case study provides actionable business and implementation plans that can help scale this system to other regions of Ghana, and other rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa. In partnership with Akyem Dwenase, a village in Ghana’s Eastern region, our plan will enable Akyem Dwenase and surrounding villages to expand an existing plastic collection process to a regional collaborative recycling system. With our partners in Ghana we have facilitated a design that brings together four already cooperating communities. Led by Chief Osabarima Owusu Baafi Aboagye, III, of Akyem Dwenase, the collaboration of partners and traditional leadership formed a regional plastic waste management partnership in order to manage and maintain the necessary labor and infrastructure. To scale this initiative, we propose a mutual investment partnership with Accra recycler, in order to increase recycling capacity and guarantee a permanent buyer. In return, necessary plastic preprocessing steps will be established in Akyem Dwenase as the hub. The project, if successful, will provide jobs, educational opportunities, entrepreneurship opportunities and an adequate alternative to burning plastic waste. This chapter will serve to contextualize the problem of plastic waste management in a global context as well as outline the co-design framework that governed the design process of our proposed generative system. Once these design principles are established, we will document the iterations of our proposed system using co-design to incorporate feedback from local partners and other stakeholders. Ultimately, we will present a co-designed generative recycling plan outlining the necessary stakeholder contributions and infrastructure to establish and ensure the sustainability of this project . This will be followed by a discussion on the lessons learned over the course of the co-design process, so as to better prepare future partnerships for the challenges inherent in successfully co-designing cooperative businesses.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-032222-070912
  • 52591
  • 2022
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Date created
  • 2022-03-22
Resource type
Rights statement


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