Student Work

Design a Tiny House on Wheels for Wildfire and Indoor Air Quality Research and Teaching

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As the effects of climate change become more prevalent, along with rising temperatures and droughts, the risk of wildfires has also increased. While there is ongoing research in labs that replicate the wildfire atmosphere, it is impossible to account for every variation that could affect research. Additionally, conducting a field study in occupied residential homes would pose significant challenges in terms of timely organization and setup of experimental equipment. Therefore, our goal was to design a portable research space that could be transported to locations around the US that are impacted by wildfires, perform live research, and produce accurate results. In the future, this research could help come up with solutions to completely eliminate harmful exposure to wildfire smoke.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-042723-124441
  • 106156
Palabra Clave
  • 2023
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Date created
  • 2023-04-27
Resource type
  • E-project-042723-124441
Rights statement
Última modificación
  • 2023-06-14

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