Student Work

Monitoring Ocean Microplastics Through Citizen Science

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The goal of this project was to develop parameters for a citizen science program through which participants utilize a web-based application to monitor ocean microplastic along New England coastlines. The proposed framework for a citizen science program prioritizes the engagement of participants to three ends: to increase public education and awareness of the problem of plastic pollution in oceans and along coastlines; to increase public advocacy for policies that address plastic pollution; and finally, to provide an important source of data on microplastics to contribute to existing datasets. Through interviews and reviews of existing citizen science programs, we identified five Principles of Design that every citizen science program should follow, including: 1. Simple and Repeatable - to ensure the best chance for accurate and reliable data. 2. Short Duration - to engage participants while not draining their time or energy. 3. Educational/Awareness - to increase awareness and knowledge of an issue. 4. Build Community - to create a sense of togetherness and accomplishment. 5. Engaging - to increase participant enjoyment and commitment at every step. We then developed a framework of Program Components to implement these Principles of Design, including: 1. Outreach Materials - to garner an audience and engagement in the program. 2. Informative Materials - to educate participants on the importance of the program. 3. Data Collection Protocol - to ensure participants can collect sound data. 4. Mobile Application - to facilitate data entry and information sharing. 5. Follow-up - to retain participants and remind them of their impact. The program framework includes a web-based application, through which participants conduct visual counts of microplastic samples using the app’s displayed heat maps of high-value areas of sample need and microplastic concentrations. The project represents an innovative and effective approach to engaging citizens in scientific research and promoting environmental stewardship.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • 105186
  • E-project-042623-102014
  • 2023
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Date created
  • 2023-04-26
Resource type
  • E-project-042623-102014
Rights statement
Última modificação
  • 2023-06-22


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