Student Work

Video Games Archive


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Our goals for this project were to expand the video game archive, specifically the Nintendo 64 (N64) collection, as well as create an exhibit to feature the N64 collection. This also includes the video game archive. To accomplish these two goals we first set out to look at what was in the archive and to make sure that the console and games were in working condition. We then decided to purchase a few games that we thought were valuable and would add nicely to our collection, as well as some donated games and a controller from Eddie, who was part of the team. To gain a better understanding of the console and related games, we researched the Nintendo 64 and the history of Nintendo to better understand its historical significance. In order to do that we researched all 304 American released N64 games and their significance, which you can find in Appendix C. Based on our research, we conjured our subject for our exhibit: The History of 3D Games. The exhibit was a two part series that started with a Twitch Plays Paper Mario, where people can play Paper Mario on Twitch which is an online streaming platform. We constructed a way to get Twitch chat inputs to in game inputs, so that people could play Paper Mario using the chat feature in Twitch. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we had to turn to a virtual exhibition. This was a challenge for us because we wanted people to be able to see what was in the archive as well as enjoy the game play and nostalgia of N64 games.For the showcase of the N64 and related games, we took pictures of the items and incorporated them into the website exhibit so that people could explore and learn how the items influenced 3D games. We accomplished our two goals of expanding the N64 collection as well as the exhibition. One of the biggest takeaways that we learned from accomplishing these goals, is that even though there are outside forces making a project more difficult, at the end of the day, having something to show that is valuable and brings back a little bit of nostalgia is quite rewarding.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-032221-162847
  • 6321
  • 2021
Date created
  • 2021-03-22
Resource type
Rights statement
Última modificação
  • 2021-05-03




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