Student Work

Contaminant Formation and Mobilization in Water Due to Fire Events


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This report analyzes contaminant mobilization in water as a result of structure fire events through four objectives: identify common materials involved in these fire events, develop a standardized burn method for these materials, develop a method to analyze water samples, and identify the contaminants and their concentrations. To accomplish these objectives fuel packages composed of white pine wood, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), chemical resistant polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and neoprene rubber were constructed. Fuel packages were burned and suppressed with water. The water used for fire suppression was collected and analyzed using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) to determine contaminant concentrations in each water sample. This project found that all eight water samples contained benzene, pyrene and naphthalene, and the samples from one of the rubber cribs contained o-xylene. This is consistent with the expected results, but the detected concentrations were lower than literature reported values.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-042222-095737
  • 63176
Parola chiave
  • 2022
Date created
  • 2022-04-22
Resource type
Rights statement


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