Student Work

Customer Relations Management (CRM) Integration for Refugee Assistance in Berlin

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In recent times, the refugee and migrant population has skyrocketed in the Federal Republic of Germany. Many have been forcibly displaced from their homes and sought somewhere welcoming and safe. While Germany has established policies to welcome refugees, there are still prevalent issues including language barriers, racism and prejudice, and social marginalization that cause immigrants to feel isolated and unwanted. In the past, immigrants have been pushed towards assimilating however, now activists and organizations are changing those ideals. Our team researched the history of refugees in Berlin to gain a deeper understanding of why Give Something Back To Berlin (GSBTB) was founded and their development. During the research, the team learned about how refugees were treated before and after the protests at Oranienplatz, which showed the public the struggles facing the refugees causing activists to start speaking up. GSBTB took on the ideals shown in Oranienplatz and created a mission of moving towards an inclusive society with adaptive communities that accept the ever-changing culture integration brings. GSBTB has taken a lot of inspiration from the topics brought up in this report including the support of the welcome culture forming in Germany to form a new vision for an inclusive society in Germany. This includes the racist views many still have against the newcomers of Germany. Throughout this project, we supported GSBTB and enhanced their mission by organizing their contacts and implementing new features for their customer relation management (CRM) tool on The reorganization opened opportunities for us to adopt new metrics into their CRM, such as social media analytics and surveys. Through the extension CoEfficient, we imported social media data into Google Sheets for easy access. Additionally, we documented our additions in a manual for GSBTB to use in the future. Finally, we created a social map of organizations with descriptions, locations, and website details to foster connections. Overall, our team focused on building infrastructure that will allow GSBTB to continue with its mission: making Berlin a city where all people, regardless of background, will feel valued and welcome.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-043024-051750
  • 122090
  • 2024
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Date created
  • 4/30/2024
Resource type
  • E-project-043024-051750
Rights statement




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