Student Work

Association Between Smartphone Use and Eating Behavior in Daily Life


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Previous research has demonstrated that viewing television while eating is related to increased caloric consumption. However, smartphone usage is exceeding television usage over time. Despite the prevalence of smartphone use, only a few laboratory studies have investigated the relationship between phone use and eating behavior. This study sought to fill this research gap by investigating smartphone use and eating behavior in everyday life. One hundred and thirty-eight participants used MyFitnessPal and the native iPhone screen time function for three days (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) in order to track daily calories and time spent using their smartphones. There are no correlations between total Thursday calories and total Thursday screen time minutes, total Friday calories and total Friday screen time minutes, and total Saturday calories and total Saturday screen time minutes. Morning screen time minutes did not predict calories eaten in subsequent meals for Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. Additionally, the type of screen time (e.g., social networking, reading, etc.) was not related to participants’ total daily calorie intake. These findings suggest that smartphone use may not lead to increased calorie intake, as television viewing does.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-050321-150321
  • 21511
  • 2021
Date created
  • 2021-05-03
Resource type
Rights statement
Dernière modification
  • 2021-08-29


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