Student Work

High Energy Density Magnesium-Air Battery for Shipping, Rail and Aviation Electrification and Grid Storage

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Magnesium is a very common and highly reactive metal that is primarily found in our oceans and in metal scrap. Magnesium is commonly used to produce metal alloys, but its reactivity makes it useful for power generation. This project focuses on the development of a magnesium-air battery for use in grid storage and cargo ship propulsion. The magnesium-air battery has more energy density, but less power density, than typical lithium-ion batteries, so it can be used for long-term power. The project focuses on studying the corrosion of the battery cathode and surrounding insulation under standard operating conditions. These conditions included an operating temperature of 550 Celsius and molten salt as the electrolyte. Several types of materials were tested, and each material was studied under a microscope for physical damage and corrosion. The project also includes an FMEA analysis of the proposed pilot battery.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • E-project-042523-131517
  • 104871
Palabra Clave
  • 2023
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Date created
  • 2023-04-25
Resource type
  • E-project-042523-131517
Rights statement
Última modificación
  • 2023-06-23

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