Student Work

Collaborative Persona Development for User Experience Research With IKE


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In a world where there is so much diversity amongst users, it can be challenging for companies, innovators, and technologists to understand user wants, needs, and intentions. This paper discusses not only the problems that technologists face when user needs are not addressed, but also provides a brief review of the evolution of Persona Development in our current climate. Specifically, this IQP contributes to an online platform (IKE) that facilitates and manages remote UX research. Virtual UX research has become increasingly relevant and important as seen during the Covid-19 pandemic. During this crisis, people have increased their reliance on digital products and services to stay connected. Such an increase in usage of digital tools naturally calls for UX research to develop/improve these technological experiences. The COVID-19 pandemic, due to its social distancing requirements, has forced researchers to focus more heavily on remote collaborations. The virtual platform that is discussed in this paper focuses on an important aspect of collaboration in UX research, namely persona development. Because UX driven innovation centers around user needs, collaborating on developing personas is essential in helping organizations to manage, organize, and evolve their understanding of their target markets.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • 16276
  • E-project-032621-121338
  • 2021
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Date created
  • 2021-03-26
Resource type
Rights statement
Última modificação
  • 2021-05-03




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