Student Work

A System Dynamics Model for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Stray Dog Population Management


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Free-ranging dogs (FRD) represent around three-fourths of the world’s dog population and are essentially generations of abandoned pets that survive off of human-derived materials and wildlife. Due to their increasing populations, many countries have experimented with various policies to reduce their population growth; however, most have failed due to unintended consequences and a serious lack of scientifically informed planning. This project uses Indian FRD as a case study to provide a new solution to this problem, taking into consideration FRD population dynamics, funding avenues, and innovative strategies to maintain FRD welfare and provide societal benefits at the same time. This project also produces a comprehensive model that features a wide range of factors imperative to planning a successful FRD population intervention. The goal, through the gaming environment, is that anyone from any nation experiencing an FRD problem can experiment with it to plan an effective intervention. The user can simulate cost-benefit analyses of all previously proposed interventions for FRD with the use of in-built parameters and inputs specific to the location involved. At the same time, the user will be able to simulate the benefits of using those same resources for a social integration effort, and thereby compare the outcomes and combinations of efforts. Structured as a generic global simulation, the parameters have been chosen such that relevant quantifiable factors for all regions and scenarios, such as population size, funding/resources, and FRD training time, can be considered carefully before planning any widescale effort.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • 4606
  • E-project-110120-113804
  • 2020
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Date created
  • 2020-11-01
Resource type
Rights statement




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