Student Work

Mapping turbulence in the canals of Venice


The canal walls in the city of Venice have been severely damaged from factors that seemingly are not natural. Many of these walls serve as the foundations of buildings that border the canals, and thus it is imperative that they are maintained. A current hypothesis is that the energy discharged from boats accelerating too quickly in a short distance or from boats maneuvering is being directed at the walls and is causing them to crack. They have not been able to qualify this statement however, and thus have been unable to conclusively say what it is that is causing the rapid decay of the walls. This project will act as a tool to be able to map the turbulent discharges of motor boats in the canals. This will enable a detailed analysis of the root causes for these highly destructive practices and this will enable others to propose local as well as systematic remedies.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • 04C001M
  • 2004
Date created
  • 2004-01-01
Resource type
Rights statement


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