Student Work

Performance modeling of proton exchange membrane fuel cells


The performance of ... Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC's) was investigated at different operating temperatures. Two theoretical models were fit to experimental data to predict fuel cell performance in terms of total fuel cell resistance and power density. The WPI model was fitted to experimental potential data and a modified Randles equivalent circuit was fit to impedance data using a frequency response analysis (FRA) technique. The total resistance as determined by both models was then compared. This study shows that potential and power density are strong functions of temperature while resistance is mainly governed by imposed current density. After analysis of the data, it is clear that the fuel cell performs best at higher fuel cell temperatures and current densities because this produces a higher power density and lower total resistance.

  • This report represents the work of one or more WPI undergraduate students submitted to the faculty as evidence of completion of a degree requirement. WPI routinely publishes these reports on its website without editorial or peer review.
  • 04D200M
  • 2004
Date created
  • 2004-01-01
Resource type
Rights statement

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