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Image 118 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1947

Public Deposited

MONDAY MARCH 31 1947 Bill met us on the train in Springfield at 7 this morning and came to Worcester with us. Ned met us at the station. At the Farm Kate seemed wonderfully composed. Mother seemed well. Ay & Evarts came yesterday. The funeral service was at the Chapel in Rural Cemetary at 2 oclock. Mr Jones of Central Church conducted the service He gace a beautiful prayer as a tribute to Roger. Evarts, Gordy & Roger Greene, Marion, here also Evarts Greene Fanny, Beth, and Mary Griffen, Charley Griffen & his wife withe more wives here. Several Chinese from Cambridge Dr [Lo?] of Rockefeller fountation came from New York. Collegues came from Peking and messages from many prominent men including John D. Rockefeller. The out of town people came to the house after the ceremony. Bill & I drove to Princeton. Found the house in good shape. A few shingles off. Saw Hamilton who said he would put new ones on and taht he has already put some on and that there was a high wind. Got some maple syrup at the Fay's. They will keep a quart til we get to Princeton this summer. Annie Gendron said no one was on our line (telephone as yet). Asking for a private line. Annie Gendron will try to get it for us. Seemed glad to see us at Store. Amy & sisters left on 530 train for New York. Talked to Gene Parsons about work at Princeton. He said he would go up there soon and do some work. Chandler Bullock would like to give the Worcester Historical Society my scrap book on High School Crew I rowed on 50 years ago. Bill left on the mid night for New York It was so good to see him looking so well he would like to do it and planned to dictate it to me when we got home little by little.

  • English
  • 1947_1_099
  • MS02.01.27.099
  • 1947
Date created
  • 1947-03-31
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-06




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