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Image 357 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1941

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[Headline (Tribune) : Plan War Vote in Congress] Elise returned from St. Louis this morning. The doctor is to send her a report -- Minna Ramsay read Elise a letter she received from Paul Stickney in which she said that Col. Stickney did not see how Bill could be sent to Ft. Monmouth but he would have their personnel man who Mrs. Stickney said "was a swell guy and a psychoanalyst interview Bill and put him in the place he would be suited for. So this ex- plains what Bill wrote in his letter yesterday. It seems there are about 200 men, in this prize battalion, mostly college men, out of 16000 at the camp. Also the basic training is only 6 weeks and then the men go into their particular line. Minna wrote Mrs. Stickney again. Bill's letter written today thanking her Saturday afternoon says he hopes to be transferred Monday. His letter was more cheerful, and if is transferred it should be about the very best of anything he could possibly get, that is training as an artist and a mapmaking. Dispatch ____________________________________ ____________________________________ [War headlines and articles]

  • English
  • MS02.01.22.299
  • 1941_1_299
  • 1941
Date created
  • 1941-09-23
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-01




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