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Image 268 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1941

Public Deposited

Saturday, July 12, 1941 Cloudy/Rain [Headlines:Boston Globe;War news] Put up new porch screens this morning. Got them from Denholm & MacKay at $600 ea. A hard rain early this morning. Elise Bill and I drove to camp Devens (20 Miles) in late afternoon. Bill had been told by one or two people he should enlistrather than to wait to be drafted so we went therer to see what could be learned. saturday afternoon is not a good time to find anyone, but we fortunately met Chaplain Gilbert Essen Chaplain of the Post From what he said it would not seem enlisting would hold any advantage as it is for 3 yrs. He said he would introduce Bill to an officer who could tell him more about it next week. Bill plans to go over to see him. In evening we showed our pictures to the Warren Whitneys Harry Whitneys, Mr & Mrs Beaman & Anne Beamans 6 Neadhams, Dr & Mrs Bigelow, Sam & Anna Hobbs, 2 Miss Gregory's, Mrs Evans. All seemed to enjoy the show. In afternoon the 3 of us picked a lot of blueberries I expect to take back to Moline. [Headlines: Evening Gazette; World news]

  • English
  • MS02.01.22.224
  • 1941_1_224
  • 1941
Date created
  • 1941-07-12
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-01




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