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Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis Journal - Volume 1

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Statistical analysis is a systematic method employed to unveil patterns, connections, and tendencies present in datasets. It encompasses the utilization of statistical methodologies to condense, interpret, and deduce insights from data. This analytical approach holds immense significance across a multitude of domains including the sciences, social sciences, economics, finance, engineering, and medicine. The primary aims of statistical analysis encompass setting up clear objectives, conducting descriptive statistics to portray key attributes of datasets such as central tendency, dispersion, and distribution, employing inferential statistics to make deductions or predictions about populations based on sample data through techniques like hypothesis testing and confidence interval analysis, and finally, drawing conclusions from the analysis. The Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis Journal serves as a platform to highlight research projects undertaken by undergraduate students. Each contribution to this journal originates from undergraduate students enrolled in the Applied Statistics course at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), with the course instructor serving as the corresponding author. This endeavor has been made possible through the generous backing of the WPI Women’s Impact Network (WIN) EmpOwER program.

Palabra Clave
  • 2024
Resource type
Rights statement
Última modificación
  • 2024-08-16

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