Generic Work

Image 94 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1920

Public Deposited

MONDAY, Mar. 29, 1920 89 Reached Detroit 7.30 and met Todd at the station. We went to Dearborn but were not able to see Sorenson till lunch. We spent the morning going through the factory. They are building 350-400 tractors a day & assembling 120 in Des Moines & 120 in St. Louis. We saw Farkas and Joe Galamb. We had lunch with Sorenson. He assured us that the door was and would be open to our plow and implements. & that they had no interest in the sale of implements. We went to the Blast Furnace with him and met Mr. Ford there. He wants us to send on the plows and also a couple of spreaders. [Passenger's check:Detroit to Chicago]

  • English
Date created
  • 1920-03-29
Resource type
  • MS02.01.06.093
Last modified
  • 2023-06-27




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