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Image 297 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1941

Public Deposited

Tuesday, August 5, 1941 Clear [Headlines: Worcester Telegram; World news] At 745 this morning Elise & I both talked on the phone with General Alex Gillespie Water[?] Arsenal. WE told him about Bill and asked him if he knew anyone at Devens. He mentioned General Ord. and said it was ok to go up there and present our case. So Elise & I arrived at Fort Devensat 920 and flound General Ord was in the carribean. We met Col W.S. Smith Fort commander and had quite a visit with him. At first he was very blunt in saying no one should have an advantage over anyone else. and anyone asking favors generally got the worst of it. However as we told our story he softened and said we "had a point there" and he quite understood our position. He said he would see Col Christy and try to arrange so that any requests from New England or New York points would be given to Bill. He also said he would have taken him at Devens but he had to send 14 men to Camp Edwards today as he had that many over his total. He said he could promise nothing but Bill would not be sent for two or three days and if any vacncy was reported Bill would be given a place in New England or there abouts. Col Smith was very friendly and we found mutual friends so we think if it is possible Bill will have first chance at what he wants. Florence Bullock took Elise and me to the "Stone House" East Joffray for lunch. It was a pleasant trip. Bill called in evneing. Kate a little more cheerful but said it was a long day. Bill & Dorothy Saugus here for dinner. Jack Peabody called. [Headlines: Evening Gazette; World news]

  • English
  • 1941_1_249
  • MS02.01.22.249
  • 1941
Date created
  • 1941-08-05
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-01




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