Generic Work

Image 276 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1940

公开 Deposited

Tuesday, July 30, 1940 [Headlines: Chicago Daily Tribune] -910- Quarterly Directors meeting today, all but George Mixter present. The general feeling is good with business 15-20% ahead of last year. But as Mr Webber said with conditions as they are in Europe "We will get hit in the belly sooner or later." Authorized $10,000 to buy land in Springfield Mass for a branch house. I bought up matter of change in trade mark and moved we adopt the one shown on previous page. Frank Silloway seconded the motion and it was carried. We have been asked to make a survey for the War Department abaout building 1500 37 m m anti air craft gun carriages. These weight about 7000 pounds are 19 feet long and their manufacature very intricate. We hope others better fitted than we will want to make them. The new combines have done very well this year. Considerable interest in my grass sileage report. Oty is faced dwith an operation for removing a cyst on her breast. Dr Schaefer will preform the operation If not malignant will not be serious. Went to Edas in evening. [Headlines; Moline Daily Dispatch]

  • English
  • MS02.01.21.202
  • 1940_1_202
  • 1940
Date created
  • 1940-07-30
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Resource type
  • MS02.
  • 2023-08-29




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