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Longitudinal evaluation of a university-based outreach program for middle school girls yields evidence of positive engineering recruitment outcomes

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Since 1997 Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) has hosted Camp Reach, a two-week summer program for rising seventh grade girls aimed at enhancing their interest and persistence in engineering. This study measured two long-term outcomes of this outreach program: pursuit of an undergraduate degree in engineering or other STEM field, and direct recruitment to WPI as an applicant or matriculant. The study population consisted of the 731 young women who applied to the program between 1997 to 2010 when they were in sixth grade. Of that population, 419 had been randomly selected to attend the program and completed it. The remaining 312 applicants served as a control group. Young women who participated in Camp Reach as middle school students chose engineering degree pathways more frequently than the control group, but there was no significant difference for pursuit of STEM degrees more broadly. In addition, alumnae of Camp Reach were more likely than those in the control group to apply, be admitted, and to enroll at WPI. Participants in the Camp Reach group were much more likely than those in the control group to have multiple “touchpoints” with WPI pre-collegiate programming, and the number of program touchpoints was strongly associated with both engineering education outcomes and WPI recruitment outcomes. Overall, this study shows the benefits of universities offering a continuum of outreach programs from middle school through high school and, most importantly, instilling in girls a desire to return for subsequent programs. However, challenges remain in achieving these benefits equitably for diverse populations of young women.

  • 2020
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Última modificação
  • 2023-08-31




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