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Image 98 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1949

Public Deposited

SUNDAY MARCH 20 1949 R.E.Gould 36 SOUTH MAPLE ST - MADISON MAINE March 15 1949 Dear Theo: Your letter and the manure spreader adv. certainly brought back old times. It doesn't seem possi- ble that it was 37 years ago that you went with the John Deere people. I am by nature a small town man and I enjoy myself here but I doubt if you would. I have just bought a 100 acre farm with a big orchard of young trees on it and now I have a lot to do to get them to bearing. There is a barn on it in- sured for $400.00 and as I only paid $500.00 for the whole business if I get too far behind I have only to burn the barn and get most of my money back. I am doing a lot of speaking and last night I spoke to the Kiwanis Club at Fairfield. Out of a membership of forty they had 52 present. I signed contract to publish the book yesterday and it should be on the Market next fall. If you ever get up in Maine be sure and come band see me, every one in town knows where I live and if I am away you will prob- ably find me over at the firemen's hall playing crib- bage I have a fire in my smoke house and have just hung my hog up to smoke. then I will ive high and have bacon and eggs for breakfast and some times ham and eggs. Wit best regards [signature?: R.E. Gould] R.E. Gould Elise & I went to church.

  • English
  • 1949_1_091
  • MS02.01.29.091
  • 1949
Date created
  • 1949-03-20
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-06




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