Generic Work

Image 09 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1920

Public Deposited

MONDAY, Jan. 5, 1920 5 Warmer today. Had report from W.L. Paul in reference to trial at Los Angeles of the new type over head beam discplow. Mr. Wheeler was present at trials. It was found that the wheels without rim extensions would sink deep into the ground and that even in lifted position the plow would plow 7"-9" deep with levers set in deepest notch.Also the front cross bar sprung but did not take a permanent set. We asked Paul to try out plow with extension rims, also try a Newell Saunders plow, also to try out simply raising the hand wheel. Paul was not able to find hard ground so did not find out whether or not the backbone of the plow was stiff enough.

  • English
Date created
  • 1920-01-05
Resource type
  • MS02.01.06.009
Last modified
  • 2023-06-27




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