Generic Work

Image 321 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1941

Público Deposited

Tuesday, August 26, 1941 Warm Clear [Headlines: Boston Herald;War news] This morning Betty Allen, Chris Littlefield and I Drove up to Ipswich and then 123 to route 101 abd east to Peterboro Gap. Here we found a carriage [Drawings: Map Monadnock hike Peterbory Gap] road up to the summit of South Pack Monadnock. Here we parked the Pontiac and we walked to north Pack and back (about 5 miles) It is fine country to hike and the views magnificent. On the way passed 70 trucks from Camp Edwards having field maneuvers. [Drawing:Pine cone] Elise and I went to Mrs Allens Sr for dinner. The Richard Gregory's and Phil Sturges's were there as well as Eleanor and Mrd Preston. [Headlines: Fitchburg Sentinel; World news]

  • English
  • 1941_1_270
  • MS02.01.22.270
Palabra Clave
  • 1941
Date created
  • 1941-08-26
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Última modificación
  • 2023-09-01

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