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Image 06 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1942

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RECEIVED DEC 31 Dec 19 1941 Dearest family Well again we can write letters, for themails seem to be going. I am glad we sent our presents when we did, and hope that they all arrived safe and in good condition. I have just started to feel in the Christmas mood once again and have been busy making toys for all the children the neighborhood, where other presents might be a bit late! [Games] and books seem to be our fate at the moment, and mostly made from odd and ends with little or no expense. Isabel & Bill came in today, we had lunch with them. Because the gasoline rationing, ten gallons a month, one thinks a good deal before rushing out in a car, we do all the errands at one time that we can Bill is at home again, looking for a job, he probably will do the same as he did last summer with similar salary. No one knows what is going to happen at the University, most of his students are in the Service.... Our daily schedule hasreversed itself somewhat and we get up early and go to bed likewise. I have blacked out the study so we stay there as long as we can it and then come bursting out for air, that lasts till we get so sleepy and so to bed. We have been living a most normal life this week, last was somewhat hectic, but the population as a whole has been very calm and collected, with no panic or hysteria. We have heard from several sources that the cable we sent reached you. I am glad for I didn't know whether you would get it or not. I am in the best of health, and all this sleep makes me feel better that ever. Dr Chang seems to think that everything is as perfect as can be. We shall probably be having Christmas from now to Easter, but that may be fun too. I shall think of all of you in Worcester together, we are with you in spirit anyway. We had hoped to have the day together the four of us, but Bill has no idea whether he can come into town or not, and Isabel has gone to be [??] Bill, so we may have it any day at all next week. We have not heard from you as yet, but probably there will be a letter soon. I do hope you are not worried for we are all fine and this district is well out of anything. We still hope to keep our plans for next summer but that remains to be seen. We have all the essentials for baby now, and are anticipating the event with much joy, dont know how feedings will work in a blackout, but the six in the morning ought to be a complete snap. Maybe the ten at night will be the most difficult to stay awake for. Do not worry about us for we are both well andvery happy Best love to all [Lee ?] Dear family I wantto add my word of reassurance to what Lee has said. We have made plans whereby we can take care of ourselves in case anything further should happen, but really do not anticipate anything. We are building an air raid shelter in our front yard purely as a precautionary measure. We can not under- stand why we have not heard from you as yet. Letters from my folks say that you received our cable gram and passed the word along to everyone interested. We certainly hope to carry out plans for next summer and I think things are shaping up in that direction. Bill

  • English
  • 1942_1_006
  • MS02.01.23.006
  • 1942
Date created
  • 1942
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Resource type
  • MS02.
Última modificação
  • 2023-09-01




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