Generic Work

Image 404 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1937

Public Deposited

37 Buick 10406 662 month 10406 year to date '34 uick 36740 196 month 3810 " " " 14876 Wednesday, December 1, 1937 Clear Saw Harold Rockwell this morning at 9. I asked him whether I could sell M.I.T. to create a loss and buy New England Fund without hurting my investment. In looking up and asking two or three men, said they had no record of N.E. Fund but said shifting to Lehman Bros would be a wise move. With John Parker Smith and Herman Altgelt on Oliver implements to see whether our claims covered any of their structures. Smith said Deere & Co owed [?] a lot for getting them into such a position on power lift. At noon had lunch with Fred Clausen to talk about enclosed gear grain drill job. They expect to make about 200 jobs for Portland territory, without buying any especial equipemnt. At A.S.A.E. meeting in afternoon. Lucille & Warner Coburn invited us to [Letterhead: The Tavern Club] for dinner at 333 North Michigan It was very pleasant indeed. I said I'd send them my mah jong table, and they said they would come to see us in the spring bringing cousin Ida Barry with them.

  • English
  • 1937_1_355
  • MS02.01.19.355
  • 1937
Date created
  • 1937-12-01
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.01.19.355.404
Last modified
  • 2023-08-29




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