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Image 218 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1941

Public Deposited

Monday, June 2, 1941 Cooler Cloudy [Headlines: Tribune; War news] Dear Mr Brown I understand you have been bery much interested in the experimental x-43 hay cutter and chopper made by the Dain Co. As you probably know Miles Tuft has been working on this machine in our territory. ---some breakage, nothing serious which cant be fixed. Slugged a few times but certain correction have been made and they have not slugged it for the past two or three days, even in heavy crops. When we first saw this machine, our reaction was that the cutter var was entirely too small and that it chould be about 41/2 feet, but after seeing this machine work in sweet clover that was 48 to 50 inches high and was making about 10 tons to the acre of silage, we are of the opinion the cutter bar is wide enough. In fact it kept the wagons on the run to keep up with the cutter and it was all the silas-filler could do to keep up with it. They were [averaging??] seventy to eighty tons a day in the sweet clover. The machine seems to be doing the work in fine shape, and frankly, we think they have the beginning of a successful machine and one that can be sold in increasing quantities in our territory each year. [Telegram: Whitinsville Jim[?] died suddenly] [Headlines: Dispatch; War news]

  • English
  • MS02.01.22.182
  • 1941_1_182
  • 1941
Date created
  • 1941-06-02
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Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-01




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