Generic Work

Image 116 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1940

Public Deposited

Friday, March 22, 1940 Snow more or less all day. Reached Syracuse 2¼ hours late. Was suprised to see so much snow. They have had 100 inches since January and but little has melted. Piles 10 feet and more high along the curbs. Never remember seeing so much. They say they are throughly tired of it. Need chains for driving. Wm Choquill was in Worcester yesterday looking up place for branch house. Said he could find nothing on B.& A. and little on B.&M. One place on Crescent 81 owned by B&M. and one in Greendale. Curtis Cook wants some changes in universal joint. Bronze bushings etc. Dinner at the E.O. Larson. Later saw a movie "Pinochio" by Walter Disney -excellent- took train at 130 AM for Worcester. Larson asked me to go to Long Island with Curtis Cook & him next Wednesday to try new planter & 2 way plow [passengers check: Syracuse to Worcester] --Later-- They had more snow after I left, I ca't imagine waht they did with it.

  • English
  • MS02.01.21.091
  • 1940_1_091
  • 1940
Date created
  • 1940-03-22
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-08-29




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