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Image 451 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1938

Public Deposited

Monday, December 12, 1938 All day at Patent Dept of Allis Chalmers G.F. DeWein in head of their patent department and W. Ziesold the who has examined our changes. Ziesold had done a thorough job and found considerable art having a hearing on the matters under discussion. There too they have been very careful to avoid infringing. So most of the claims we had cited they felt were met by prior art if construed to be broad enouth to cover their structures. The rolling landside, Lister Cultivator and 2 power lift patents seem to come under our patents. In talking later to Mr DeWein it appears that they would tather pay a reasonable royalty than to have any litigation. Also they would favor paid up licenses. Mr DeWein is a peuliar man and his manner is anything but effusive. He himself knows nothing about the case and has to rely on Zeisold. They are not aggresive as to getting to their experimental departments. Hope we can settle this soon and believe we can. Said we would like to get licenses under some of their patents. Hard work. Took Mrs Callaway to dinner. ___________________________________________ tractor started by starter. Said A.C. implement volume about 58 million last year. [Sketch: Side sills] Hiawatha to Chicago Home at midnight

  • English
  • 1938_1_316
  • MS02.01.20.316
  • 1938
Date created
  • 1938-12-12
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.01.20.316.450
Last modified
  • 2023-08-29




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