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Image 294 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1941

Public Deposited

Monday, August 4, 1941 Clear [Headlines: War news] Elise and I have Bill on our minds constantly. We only hope that this new life will not be too hard on him and dis- illusion him. He is such a fine young man butnone of his tastes or thoughts run to the direction of Army Life. Elise and I did a lot of errands in Worcester: Elise got some silk stockings ets as silk is "frozen". A postal from Induction Station, Boston Massachusetts dated August 2 advices #70 William T. Brown 31 084 921 310 31921 has been accepted for active military service and sent to Recuit Reception Center at Fort Devens Mass where he will probably remain for a period of not to exceed 3 or 4 days. Upon leaving for his final destination you will be advised of his future mailing address Received this postal from Eda at Rochester Minn. "Arrived here at eight andexpect to start going thru clinic at 7AM tomorrow. Oty got word this noon that Sis had been injured driving this monring and was in the hospital at Rhinelander Wisconsin with a fractured 7th vertebrae. Dr Wolf called and talked to the doctor who is taking care of Sis and they will put her in a cart. NO paralysis tho so while terrible it could have been worse. Oty & Pal were to drive there this P.M. I imagine mother will write. Love Eda Bill telephoned in late afternoon. We went to Fort Devens to see him arriving there at quarter of 7-. He was in uniform and looked very well. He slept better and seemed in pretty good spirits. He said he had hi IQ test this morning and passed 139 out of a possible 150 and was either 1st or 2nd in a group of 60. He said one boy who arrived a day or two earlier than Bill had orders to to to Fort Monmouth New Jersey. He was a college graduate and had high IQ and said he thought Bill Bill might get such a chance. Bill would love to be near New York. Bill called Ruth on phone & she wrote Sen Magruder at Devens saying Bill wouldlike to go to Monmouth We are not sure Magruder is now at Devens. We went to see Ruth. Elise thought we would call Alex Gillford on the phone in morning to see if he knows anyone at Devens and whether it would be proper for us to go up there and present our case. [Headlines: Evening Gazette; War News]

  • English
  • 1941_1_248
  • MS02.01.22.248
  • 1941
Date created
  • 1941-08-04
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-01




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