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Image 225 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1948

Public Deposited

MONDAY JUNE 21 1948 Elise and I went to the celebration of the Moline Centennial at Browning Field in evening. About 500 in the cast showing pictorially the growth of Moline from the Indians to now. It was very impressive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ keep it in grape juice, and whatsoever tho spendest more I will repay thee when I return again at the next election if the town goes dry. Then did those Outlaws hasten to the Rogues Gallery where their pictures were taken and freely displayed in the store windows glazed down on prostrate man recumbent in the Barber's chair - In frames deluxe they consorted with Monet and Corot in the mansions of the opulent. While in many an humbler home in no frame at all they were often the entire decorative scheme. They elbowed Wrigley's Gum and the latest cereal from their accustomed places in the freize of the trolley car. (there was much more of this which I will spare you). And I should that John Thayer's picture was a very ugly one - he really resembled a convict. The chapter went on viz:- Now while all the rogues in the gallery were pleased in the presentment of their new esteemed re Publican associate, they all thanked God that their own physiognomy did not look like unto this J.Thayer I see. For he had desobeyed the injunction to "look pleasent" when confronted by the camera. Then did these same bandits standing on the curb on the evening of the 7th day of November anticipate many happy returns upon the screen across the way. And lo while the

  • English
  • MS02.01.28.188
  • 1948_1_188
  • 1948
Date created
  • 1948-06-21
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-06




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