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Image 322 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1941

Public Deposited

Wednesday, August 27, 1941 Beautiful weather Clear [Headlines: Worceseter Telegram;War news] [Letter head: Cheney Wells; The Blue Grasshopper] Elise & I drove 30 odd miles to Southbridge reaching there at 1030 We went to the American Optical co where we met Albert Wells, and his somn George. Met Bernhezine head of their Research and he took Elise and me over the baboratories and then we went thru part of the factory where frames are made. Nearly 5000 employees. At noon Albers Wells took us to Walker Pond where his summer house is. 165 feet long all on one floor. Here we met his wife Ethel Had a delicious lunch. Later Albert Wells took Elise & me to his Old Quinabaug Village where he is building about 57 buildings. "Old Quinabaug Village is a tribute to the achievments of New England'searly settlers. Here where the Quinabaug river flows through Sturbridge the village is a living museum in which the architecture, the arts and industries of 18th Canture rural New England are being collected and preserved. Around the village and communal buildinga of those days. Here are nearly forgotten arts and crafts being demonstrated and taught. Here is a wealth of instruction etc etc" Albert Wells has collected thousands of antiques and is to house them in this village. Some houses are complete. We spent all afternoon going aorund [Drawing: Old Quinabaug Village Grist Mill] with im and finished by his taking us thru his 42 room house in Southbridge filled with his collection. [Headlines: Southbridge EVening News; World News] It is now a museum. Home 7:30

  • English
  • MS02.01.22.271
  • 1941_1_271
  • 1941
Date created
  • 1941-08-27
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-09-01




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