Generic Work

Image 156 of Theo Brown Diaries, 1930

Public Deposited

148 WEDNESDAY May 28 Cloudy/Rain In the field all day with the two two row motor cultivators, driving each for a long time. We are tying to determine which is best for the farmer who only wants to cultivate two rows. I seemed to feel after driving a long time that 1. The Std G.P. ( when equipped with spring to overcome side draft and front wheel skid bands moved to inside of wheels) had rear side draft and steered well. 2. The dodge was faster that W.T. 3. The view being at more of an angle was a little harder on the eyes. ( a set over seat may help) 4. Flexability of both good altho wide tread may be a little better. We (Silloway, Wiman & Kough & I) tried a 4 row Moline outfit and all thought ours steered better & easier ( the Std G. P. particularly) and was more flexible with a consequence of better work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In evening the Koughs & we had the George Wheelers, Harold White and Will Paul for dinner at the Outing Club and all came here later.

  • English
  • MS02.01.12.152
  • 1930_1_152
  • 1930
Date created
  • 1930-05-28
Related url
Resource type
  • MS02.
Last modified
  • 2023-08-25




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