
Impact of Car-Cabin Physical Environments on Driving Performance: A Multimodal Approach

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This PhD dissertation investigates the relationship between Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and human cognitive performance, addressing critical knowledge gaps with significant implications for various domains, such as the in-car environment, driving performance, and secondary cognitive task performance (e.g., navigation) during driving. My research comprises three distinct projects, each contributing to a comprehensive understanding of this complex relationship. The first project involves a systematic literature review that emphasizes the substantial impact of IEQ factors, including indoor air quality, thermal environments, lighting conditions, noise condition, and non-light visual factors, on cognitive performance. These findings underscore the paramount importance of monitoring and enhancing these environmental aspects to sustain optimal cognitive proficiency. The review work inspired me to resolve the inconsistencies in results identified in the literature through rigorous experimental design and neuroimaging techniques. In particular, the second project of this dissertation investigates the effects of CO2 levels and body odors on driving performance using a driving simulator, areas not extensively explored previously. Using electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), the study reveals the influence of these factors on driving and cognitive performance. Most specifically, it was found that body odor positively affects N-back task response accuracy while elevated CO2 up to 3500 ppm does not reduce driving performance significantly. The study notes that body odor decreases (θ+α)/β and θ/β ratios, suggesting heightened alertness and attention. The third project focuses on the impact of thermal environment, interior lighting at night, and their interplay (Hue-Heat Hypothesis) on driving performance. While the results do not support Hue-Heat Hypothesis) in general and report limited impact of interior lighting at night, enhanced temperature exhibits a significant influence on drivers’ in-car environment perception, physiological states, and deterioration on N-back task response accuracy. Additionally, increased temperatures correlate with higher EEG Delta band power spectral density and reduced Beta, indicating diminished mental engagement during driving. Collectively, this dissertation documents variations in driving data, survey responses, task performance, physiological states, and brain responses under different conditions. My dissertation fills crucial gaps in our understanding of how CO2 levels, body odor, interior lighting at night, and temperature influence driving performance and secondary cognitive task related to driving. The findings contribute to ongoing efforts to optimize the in-car environment for enhanced driving experiences. Future investigations will aim to classify brain responses and physiological reactions to varied air quality, interior lighting, and temperature conditions.

  • etd-121874
Defense date
  • 2024
Date created
  • 2024-04-26
Resource type
  • etd-121874
Rights statement

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