- 关键词:
- Robotics, Underground Utilities, Buried Cable, Automation, and Dig Safe
- 创造者:
- Morris, Leo, Holden, Grace, and Heffern, Victoria
- Advisor:
- Xiao, Jing and Lewin, Greg
- 出版者:
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- 创建日期:
- 2023-03-23
- Resource Type:
- Major Qualifying Project
- 关键词:
- Buried Cable, ArcMap, Underground Utilities, Husky A100, Technical Manual, and Dig Safe
- 创造者:
- Runci, Carl J., Breiter, Nathaniel A., Rice, Deanna M., Allegro, Remy S., and Weiner, Yoni
- Advisor:
- Lewin, Greg, Telliel, Yunus Dogan, and Xiao, Jing
- 出版者:
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- 创建日期:
- 2021-05-05
- Resource Type:
- Major Qualifying Project