- 关键词:
- Football, React, Web Application, and TypeScript
- 创造者:
- Rubin, Harrison, Mezzo, John, Pabon, Isabella, and Lehane, Owen
- Advisor:
- Neamtu, Rodica
- 出版者:
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- 创建日期:
- 2024-02-27
- Resource Type:
- Major Qualifying Project
- 关键词:
- Museums, User Manuals, Website Design, Physical Archives, and Digital Archives
- 创造者:
- Patel, Jai, Pabon, Isabella, Akstin, Michael, and Butziger, Kathryn
- Advisor:
- Jiusto, Scott and Dodson, Leslie Lynn
- 出版者:
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- 创建日期:
- 2023-05-02
- Resource Type:
- Interactive Qualifying Project